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1 hour ago, Lady Godiva рече

Погледај моју аватарку и само ће ти се каз'ти. :)))

Нема за тебе јањет'не онда!

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пре 25 минута, Иван ♪♫ рече

Ima još nešto u toj priči muški vs ženski, ko je bolji i ostale gluposti, jer kad vi ženama tako ubedljivo objasnite kako su muškarci sposobniji, onda njima normalno proradi osećaj inferiornosti, povređena su im osećanja, i onda verovatno misle: ,,eto, kako nas posmatraju i tretiraju, kao inferiornija bića", i onda im feminizam tu dođe kao lek. Vi, a naročito Grizli i Mlađoni, na taj način nesvesno i indirektno regrutujete feministkinje. A to nije dobro...

Такое! Једина идеологија која може да избави цуре из канџи феминизма је донхуанизам!

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1 hour ago, Ronald рече

Ne znam kako bih ti odgovorio, osim nekim kontra pitanjem koje bi mogla biti i relavatna hipoteza u sociologijia  a tice se odnosa fizickog i verbalnog nasilja. Kako ti znas da je verbalno nasilje u porastu, da li imas nekakve podatke, za koji period, u odnosu na koji drugi itd., itd. Zatim sve to trebas staviti u odnos sa fizickim nasiljem i da vidis da li postoji nekakva obrnuto proporcionalna veza.

Само казах да ми се чини. :D Заборави :)) Да преформулишем: да ли насиље треба да буде дозвољено и ван спортова и зашто? (мсм, невезано за ову тему, офтопик ез јужуал :D ).

"You know something is messed up when you see it"

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пре 2 часа, Млађони рече

pogadjaj kome je od nas dvojice avokado izabrao da ispravlja argumente :D Meni ili grizliju.. samo tema za tebe za razmisljanje povodom nekih stvari sto smo pricali.. 

Grizliju. Dok se ti nisi ubacio a on iskljucio iz diskusije. Jel opet nesto lazes?

А роб твој и робиња твоја што ћеш имати нека буду од онијех народа који ће бити око вас, од њих купујте роба и робињу.

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пре 22 часа, Paradoksologija рече

Мјок, то све егалитарно, прави сопствене сендвиче.

Ја Холанђанки: "Како је невероватно леп и згодан овај твој колега!"

Она мени "Аха, јесте. А како тек дели кућне послове и бригу о деци са женом! Диван је!"

Само су испрограмирани, нису заиста доживели дубоко просветљење и схватили да су жене људска бића, а не кућна бела техника... Просто им је то у календару, а ставке из календара се извршавају аутоматски. Холанђанин не може да одабере да не помаже жени јер мислим да би тада доживео нервни слом јер не би знао шта да ради у времену које је било предвиђено за усисавање. А то није нешто што лично ценим. То би било као да нас је Бог створио као роботе који морају да га слушају и следе. Зато ћу увек бити против вашег феминистичког ложења на северну Европу.

А пази ово:






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пре 2 часа, Иван ♪♫ рече

Vi, a naročito Grizli i Mlađoni, na taj način nesvesno i indirektno regrutujete feministkinje.

Ма баш ме брига, ја ћу да им продајем зелену фарбу за косу и храну за мачке... :)


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пре 11 минута, Juanito рече

жене људска бића, а не кућна бела техника...

То је бар очигледно - немају прекидач... велики пропуст у дизајну... :(


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1 hour ago, Avocado рече

Grizliju. Dok se ti nisi ubacio a on iskljucio iz diskusije. Jel opet nesto lazes?

Lazem normalno. Sve sto posumnjas da je moja greska je sigurno laz. 
Nema drugog objasnjenja :))

oh sh*t man... i was taking life seriously, now i will divide  things by zero. 

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пре 46 минута, Grizzly Adams рече

Ма баш ме брига, ја ћу да им продајем зелену фарбу за косу и храну за мачке... :)

when life gives you feminist, make red hairpainting

oh sh*t man... i was taking life seriously, now i will divide  things by zero. 

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пре 4 часа, Иван ♪♫ рече

Ima još nešto u toj priči muški vs ženski, ko je bolji i ostale gluposti, jer kad vi ženama tako ubedljivo objasnite kako su muškarci sposobniji, onda njima normalno proradi osećaj inferiornosti, povređena su im osećanja, i onda verovatno misle: ,,eto, kako nas posmatraju i tretiraju, kao inferiornija bića", i onda im feminizam tu dođe kao lek.

Ово је оно што ја зовем - интроспекција! :))

"You know something is messed up when you see it"

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Može jedno pitanje za sve ženke ovde koje se javljaju na temi da li vam je nekada prijalo da se osetite inferiorno u odnosu na muškarca?

Најдубља молитва јесте  молитва без икаквих речи када у тишини ума једноставно живимо у присуству Божијем. Архимандрит Сава Јањић

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Ми српски националисти и те феминисткиње смо непоправљиви романтичари!

Феминисткиње желе да жене свет престане да гледа као незрелу децу и нижу расу, да почне да их поштује, да престану прогони и злостављања над женама и да жене буду равноправне са мушкарцима, заузврат иду и пишају по свима очекујући да ће на тај начин остварити своје циљеве.

Тако и ми националисти хоћемо да Србе најзад поштује цео свет, да нас не сматрају нижом расом, да престану да нас прогоне и злостављају и да будемо равноправни са Америма и Русима, заузврат обично пишамо по свима.

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пре 14 часа, Жељко рече

Ми српски националисти и те феминисткиње смо непоправљиви романтичари!

Феминисткиње желе да жене свет престане да гледа као незрелу децу и нижу расу, да почне да их поштује, да престану прогони и злостављања над женама и да жене буду равноправне са мушкарцима, заузврат иду и пишају по свима очекујући да ће на тај начин остварити своје циљеве.

Тако и ми националисти хоћемо да Србе најзад поштује цео свет, да нас не сматрају нижом расом, да престану да нас прогоне и злостављају и да будемо равноправни са Америма и Русима, заузврат обично пишамо по свима.

Па сложила бих се осим гледе смера пишања овде...

А ни тебе нисам никад видела да пљујеш по читавим етничким групама, реално...



Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.


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1 hour ago, Ћириличар рече

Ово је предобро ( ал озбиљно ):

Sloboda govora - The Sun jedini bilo šta objavljuje, i to tek danima nakon što je šezdesetogodišnja žena išutirana i izudarana jer je išla na diskusiju o implikacijama novog zakona o rodnom identitetu - po kome nije više potrebna ni dijagnoza ni život u ulozi žene ni bilo kakve fizičke izmene da bi neko legalno postao žena i imao pravo na ženske škole, bolnice, zatvore, sigurne kuće...

Diskusanti, među kojima je bila i trans žena Miranda Jardli, okupili su se, ironično, na Speaker's Corner Hajd parka, da bi otišli na tajnu novu lokaciju - prethodna je otkazala gostoprimstvo zbog straha od nasilja.


Violence stifles debate on transgender law proposals as experts claims issue is too ‘explosive’ to discuss — and activists defend assault of woman, 60

Groups clashed in Hyde Park over a new law that would allow anyone who identifies as a woman to use women-only spaces

By Miles Goslett
25th September 2017, 1:40 am
Updated: 25th September 2017, 1:40 am

WHEN a 60-year-old woman was punched in the face, it seemed that the debate around a proposed change to the law about transgender people could not get much nastier.

Then, one side of the argument took to Twitter to declare that the mum-of-two deserved the attack because bashing those on her side “is the same as punching Nazis”.

There were clashes between a pro-trans group and a group who don't believe in relaxing the law on who can enter women-only spaces
There were clashes between a pro-trans group and a group who don't believe in relaxing the law on who can enter women-only spaces

The campaign group continued: “We must be radically and transformatively violent.”

Now more moderate activists believe that the whole issue has become so fraught that any kind of sensible discussion is impossible.

Even academics say the question of whether the law should be updated to make it easier for people to change their gender legally is now so explosive they feel silenced.

And women’s rights campaigner Dr Julia Long told The Sun: “If you try to even raise a question about it, your event gets shut down.

“I was working in academia (until recently). If you tried to raise any questions or objections around transgenderism, you’d be ostracised.”

Dr Long, who works for a domestic violence charity, spoke at the gathering where the bust-up took place — ironically, at the hallowed home of free speech, Speaker’s Corner in London’s Hyde Park.

Action for Trans Health tweeted this the day after the clash at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park
Action for Trans Health tweeted this the day after the clash at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park

Humanist funeral celebrant Maria MacLachlan, 60, was pushed to the ground and punched in the face in the confrontation between the opposing sides of the debate.

She later recalled: “Studenty- looking types were turning up and some arguments started. Then suddenly someone tried to grab my camera. I ended up on the ground and it felt like a few of them were punching and kicking me.”

A video of the incident taken by another onlooker has been posted online. Police are investigating.

Maria, who describes herself as a “gender critical feminist”, was among around 50 people who had gathered for a talk about the transgender legal issues which are the focus of the proposed law update.

Maria MacLachlan, 60, says she was punched in the face by 'studenty-looking' types
Maria MacLachlan, 60, says she was punched in the face by 'studenty-looking' types

They were confronted by their enemies, members of the campaign group Action For Trans Health (ATH).

ATH members want the Government to adopt the proposed change to the law.

They say that anyone who self-identifies as a woman — without having undergone transition surgery or a diagnosis of gender dysphoria — should be considered a woman.

They say that means they should be allowed to use women-only spaces such as changing rooms and toilets.



THESE groups, including Action For Trans Health, want to see the law updated to make changing gender easier and quicker.

Currently people have to have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria and live for two years as their preferred gender before having it officially recognised.

The other side, which Maria belongs to, believes that some women-only spaces should not be opened to trans women who have not had gender reassignment surgery or been diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

They are particularly worried about transgender women — 80 per cent of whom still have male genitalia — being put in with women in prisons and hospitals. Maria’s side is referred to by ATH enemies as “terfs” — “trans-exclusionary radical feminists”.

The morning after the assault, the Edinburgh branch of ATH tweeted: “Punching terfs is the same as punching Nazis. Fascism must be smashed with the greatest violence.”

Follow-up tweets added, “We must be radically and transformatively violent” and “Violence against terfs is always self-defence”.


Businesswoman Miranda Yardley, 49, transitioned from male to female ten years ago but believes there could be drawbacks about changing the law to reflect the ATH demands.

Miranda says she has received many threats herself over the years and said: “One of the fundamental problems we have is that disagreement is being framed as hate.”

Meanwhile, academic James Caspian has been told by Bath Spa University he is not allowed to write a thesis on the issue of “detransition”, which is the reversal of gender realignment surgery.

The psychotherapist was told: “Engaging in a potentially ‘politically incorrect’ piece of research carries a risk to the university”.

Moderate activists believe that the whole issue has become so fraught that any kind of sensible discussion is impossible
Moderate activists believe that the whole issue has become so fraught that any kind of sensible discussion is impossible

But anxiety about transgender issues is also causing trouble far from the worlds of activism and academia.

Cardiff’s Bishop of Llandaff Church-in-Wales high school recently upset some parents by introducing gender-neutral toilets — where boys and girls share the same bathrooms. And The Sun revealed how parents Nigel and Sally Rowe removed their six-year-old son from an Isle of Wight school after another boy was allowed to wear a dress.

A headmistress of a private girls’ school in South London, said last week she tries not to call her students “girls” to avoid offending teens querying their gender identity.

Sally-Anne Huang, who runs the James Allen Girls’ School in Dulwich, South London, says she uses the term “pupils” instead.

Feminist author Germaine Greer, who told the BBC in 2015 that in her opinion, transgender women are “not women”, believes the whole issue has spun out of control.

She told The Sun: “The whole thing is a kind of mad fantasy.



DERISORY term standing for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists, used by pro-trans groups for those who believe relaxing the law may endanger women.

They are especially concerned about trans women who still have male genitalia being sent to women’s jails or hospitals.

“This particular issue, which as far as I’m concerned is a non-issue, is taking centre stage.

“I’ve been threatened with death, with forcible sex change, with having my underwear set on fire. You know what they can’t forgive me for? They can’t forgive me for the fact I’m not interested.

“They think they’re the most important issue. They’re not.”

The House of Commons Women and Equalities Committee put forward its proposals for the law change in July. A full consultation on the proposed update to the 2004 Gender Recognition Act is due to be published before winter.

The committee’s chair, Conservative MP Maria Miller, told The Sun: “Of course, there will be very heated views on both sides, but I think as a society we think that people should be able to live their life fairly and we need to support people, not discriminate.”



Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.


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