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Бизарна дечја игра које се продаје у ЕУ -распни Христа сâм!

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Kada bi igrica pozivala na ubijanje životinja ili ptica na primer,verovatno bi se javljala udruženja za zaštitu životinja i govorili o štetnosti poemenutih igrica. 

Pitanje je da li se kod nas neko ozbiljno bavi sadržajima koje djeca konzumiraju putem video igrica,interneta i sl.i implikacijama na iste.

Нифада :)

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So, finally, a Jesus Action Man kit?

Well, yes and no.

It was one of the exhibits at the Twente Biennale contemporary art festival in Enschede, Netherlands, in 2015.

It is by Dutch artist, and former broadcaster, Filemon Wesselink, and he explains the background, more or less, as follows.


Filemon sees the crucifix, the image of the body of Jesus on the cross, as the "trademark" of the Christians. He was brought up a Christian himself and had been acutely aware this image all through his childhood. He used to gaze in awe at the large wooden crucifix behind preacher during the sermon.

During a trip to the holy places of Israel, he was confronted many times a day by this symbol. At the same time there were many tourist market stalls selling toys and lots of these involved violence of one sort or another. Action men wielding weapons and allowing children to fantasise their own private wars.

But there was a complete absence among them of any representation of the cruelty of the crucifixion. Hence, this DIY crucifixion kit which raises many questions.

Where do you stand when you nail Jesus to the cross? While Christianity would be diminished without the crucifixion, would this kit be going too far for Christians? And what would it say about the state of Christianity if Christians approved of such a kit? Would people actually feel guilty buying it and replaying the crucifixion? If they did, would this not be an indication that they were true believers?

Filemon reminds us that the town where the Twente Biennale took place was also where the TV show The Passion was shot. That was the 'Disneyfication' of Christianity. This kit is the next step in its ultimate desecration.

Source: my paraphrasing of his Dutch commentary
During a trip to the holy places of Israel I was confronted with this image many times a day. At the same time there were many tourist market stalls where toys were sold. Just like in almost every toy store there was a lot
violent toys. Weapons were held by "action figures". Children could wage their own fantasy war.
But the cruel image of Jesus on the cross was nowhere to be seen. Also no action figures the person that it was all about.
This self-crucifixion set raises many questions. Which side are you on when you nail Jesus on the cross? After all, without crucifixion, Christianity would not have been so great. Is this allowed by the Christians? And when they approve of this, what does it say about the state of Christianity? Do you feel guilty when you buy this and the crucifixion is complete? And if one feels guilty, isn't one by definition religious?
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пре 14 часа, АлександраВ рече

Дакле, коначно, Исусов акцијски комплет?

Па, да и не.

Био је то један од експоната на Твенте Биеннале фестивалу савремене уметности у Енсцхедеу у Холандији 2015.

године . То је холандски уметник и бивши емитер, Филемон Весселинк, и објашњава позадину, мање-више, на следећи начин.


Филемон види распеће, слику тела Исуса на крсту, као "заштитни знак" хришћана. Одгајан је сам хришћанин и био је свјестан ове слике цијело дјетињство. Гледао је страхопоштовање пред великим дрвеним распелом иза проповједника за вријеме проповиједи.

Током пута на светим мјестима у Израелу, он се суочавао с тим симболом много пута дневно. Истовремено, било је много туристицких пијаца које су продавале играчке, а многе од њих су укључивале насиље једне или друге врсте. Мушкарци који се баве дејством оружја и дозвољавају деци да фантазирају о својим приватним ратовима.

Али међу њима је било потпуног одсуства било каквог приказа окрутности распећа. Дакле, овај ДИИ комплет за распеће који поставља многа питања.

Где стојите када прикачите Исуса на крст? Док би хришћанство било умањено без распећа, да ли ће овај прибор ићи предалеко за хришћане? И шта би он рекао о стању хришћанства ако су хришћани одобрили такав прибор? Да ли би се људи заиста осећали кривим што би га купили и поновили распеће? Ако јесу, да ли би то била индикација да су они били прави верници?

Филемон нас подсећа да је у граду у коме се одвијао Твенте Биеннале такође снимљена емисија Тхе Пассион . То је било 'Диснеификација' хришћанства. Овај комплет је следећи корак у његовом коначном скрнављењу.

Извор: моје парафразирање његовог холандског коментара
Током пута на светим мјестима Израела био сам суочен са овом сликом много пута дневно. Истовремено, било је много трговачких штандова на којима су се продавале играчке. Баш као у скоро свакој продавници играчака било је много
насилних играчака. Оружје је држало "акционе фигуре". Деца су могла да воде свој властити фантазијски рат.
Али окрутна слика о Исусу на крсту није било нигде. Такође, ни једна акција не указује на особу о којој се ради.
Овај сет за само-распеће поставља многа питања. На којој сте страни када нахрупите Исуса на крсту? Уосталом, без распећа, хришћанство не би било тако велико. Да ли то дозвољавају хришћани? А када то одобравају, шта пише о стању хришћанства? Да ли се осећате кривим када купите ово и распеће је завршено? И ако се неко осећа кривим, није ли то по дефиницији религиозно?

Objasnjenje holandskog umetnika je jednako besmisleno kao i sama igrica.

Нифада :)

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пре 16 часа, АлександраВ рече

So, finally, a Jesus Action Man kit?

Well, yes and no.

It was one of the exhibits at the Twente Biennale contemporary art festival in Enschede, Netherlands, in 2015.

It is by Dutch artist, and former broadcaster, Filemon Wesselink, and he explains the background, more or less, as follows.


Filemon sees the crucifix, the image of the body of Jesus on the cross, as the "trademark" of the Christians. He was brought up a Christian himself and had been acutely aware this image all through his childhood. He used to gaze in awe at the large wooden crucifix behind preacher during the sermon.

During a trip to the holy places of Israel, he was confronted many times a day by this symbol. At the same time there were many tourist market stalls selling toys and lots of these involved violence of one sort or another. Action men wielding weapons and allowing children to fantasise their own private wars.

But there was a complete absence among them of any representation of the cruelty of the crucifixion. Hence, this DIY crucifixion kit which raises many questions.

Where do you stand when you nail Jesus to the cross? While Christianity would be diminished without the crucifixion, would this kit be going too far for Christians? And what would it say about the state of Christianity if Christians approved of such a kit? Would people actually feel guilty buying it and replaying the crucifixion? If they did, would this not be an indication that they were true believers?

Filemon reminds us that the town where the Twente Biennale took place was also where the TV show The Passion was shot. That was the 'Disneyfication' of Christianity. This kit is the next step in its ultimate desecration.

Source: my paraphrasing of his Dutch commentary
During a trip to the holy places of Israel I was confronted with this image many times a day. At the same time there were many tourist market stalls where toys were sold. Just like in almost every toy store there was a lot
violent toys. Weapons were held by "action figures". Children could wage their own fantasy war.
But the cruel image of Jesus on the cross was nowhere to be seen. Also no action figures the person that it was all about.
This self-crucifixion set raises many questions. Which side are you on when you nail Jesus on the cross? After all, without crucifixion, Christianity would not have been so great. Is this allowed by the Christians? And when they approve of this, what does it say about the state of Christianity? Do you feel guilty when you buy this and the crucifixion is complete? And if one feels guilty, isn't one by definition religious?

Objasnjenje holandskog umetnika je jednako besmisleno kao i sama igrica. 

Нифада :)

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