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Тема о КОРОНАВИРУСУ... све на једном месту


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пре 2 часа, Tanja M рече

The Vatican has confirmed in a statement that Pope Francis and two of his aides have tested positive for the novel Coronavirus.


нема граница за медијски сензационализам 

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On 29.2.2020. at 14:02, Mikorist рече

"Što se tiče temperature, virus može ostati netaknut na 4 stepena ili na 10 stepeni tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda. Ali na 30 stepeni on se bukvalno deaktivira. Takođe visoka vlažnost vazduha ne pogoduje virusu".

Ako je prosecna telesna temepratura odrasle osobe 36.7 C, po ovoj izjavi virus u stvari ne moze da nas zarazi.  

Idemo dalje .... :smeh1:

  • Свиђа ми се 1

Sve sto dise neka hvali Gospoda !

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TORONTO - Public health officials in Toronto have confirmed its first 50,000 cases of being a misinformed fuckwit as xenophobic...


"Ви морате упознати земаљско да би сте га волели, а Божанско се мора волети да би се упознало." Паскал "Свако искључиво логичко размишљање је застрашујуће: без живота је и без плода. Рационална и логична особа се тешко каје." Шмеман "Always remember - your focus determines your reality." Qui-Gon Jinn

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Dok se evropska i globalna panika zbog epidemije COVID-19 još uvek (bespotrebno) zahuktava, nedavno objavljeni satelitski snimci ove velike azijske zemlje pokazuju pozitivne efekte koje...


"Ви морате упознати земаљско да би сте га волели, а Божанско се мора волети да би се упознало." Паскал "Свако искључиво логичко размишљање је застрашујуће: без живота је и без плода. Рационална и логична особа се тешко каје." Шмеман "Always remember - your focus determines your reality." Qui-Gon Jinn

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The Press office of the Romanian Patriarchate published a communiqué on February 27, 2020, in the context of excessive...

"In order to overcome polarization and polemics that weaken Orthodox unity, hasty judgments must be avoided, and we must firmly reaffirm the Orthodox belief that the Holy Eucharist is not and can never be a source of sickness and death, but a source of new life in Christ, of forgiveness of sins, for the healing of the soul and the body.

That is why, while believers receive Holy Communion, we chant: “Receive the Body of Christ, taste the Fountain of Immortality.

Therefore, the rule of distributing Holy Communion to the clergy and believers from the same Holy Chalice remains unchanged, and the priests will explain to all believers that this way of partaking of the Eucharist has never been for anyone a danger and will not be to them either.

The believers, who are still afraid of partaking of the same Holy Chalice with the same spoon, will ask the counsel of their spiritual father to strengthen their faith and increase in Church communion.

Also, in the case of kissing the holy icons, the believers who have a strong and living faith are not afraid that they will become ill, but they enjoy the prayer and the blessing of the saints depicted in the icons.

As faith unites freedom with love, it is through faith that people express their love of God and His saints freely."

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"... Всјакоје ниње житејскоје отложим попеченије ... "    "... Нека буде воља Твоја... "     Верујемо или не верујемо, питање је сад!

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Mainland China has 119 new infections and 38 deaths, as South Korea reaches 5,328 cases and Spain says Champions League...

"The coronavirus has evolved into two major types, with differing transmission rates and geographical distribution, according to a study published in the National Science Review on Tuesday.

A group of Chinese scientists analysed 103 coronavirus genomes and identified mutations in 149 sites across the strains.

They found that one type, which they called the L type, was more prevalent than the other, the S type, meaning it was more infectious. They also found that the L type had evolved from the S type, and that the L type was far more widespread before January 7 and in Wuhan, ground zero of the outbreak."

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First cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Brazil, South America (2 genomes, 3rd March 2020) We provide a brief report...

"We provide a brief report and phylogenetic analysis of the confirmed COVID-2 cases in Brazil. From 488 suspected cases 2, two have so far tested positive for COVID-19. These two cases both travelled to Northern Italy. Detailed clinical and epidemiological descriptions for suspected and confirmed patients, including for the two patients reported here, are available from the National Public Health Emergency Alert and Response Network 5 from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. "

Da li toplo vreme na južnoj hemisferi utiče na virus? Pitanje je da li se i u Brazilu testiraju svi sumnjivi slučajevi...

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Potvrđeno: Virus u Njemačkoj prenio asimptomatičan nositelj

Prije pojave simptoma bio je na sastancima s kineskim poslovnim partnerima

Ugledni časopis The New England Journal of Medicine objavio je rad grupe njemačkih znanstvenika u kojem se opisuje kako je u Njemačkoj prvi put zabilježen slučaj širenja zaraze novim koronavirusom COVID-19 od asimptomatičnog nositelja.

Asimptomatičan nositelj je onaj koji ne pokazuje znakove bolesti, ali ima virus i može ga proširiti. Do sada nije bilo sasvim jasno kolika je mogućnost takvog širenja zaraze. Dakle, 33-godišnji, inače zdravi poslovni čovjek, 24. siječnja prijavio je laganu upalu grla i groznicu te mialgiju. Sljedećeg dana razvila mu se temperatura od 39.1°C i kašalj. Do večeri sljedećeg dana počeo se osjećati bolje te se 27. siječnja vratio na posao.


Lucerna corporis tui est oculus tuus. Si oculus tuus fuerit simplex, totum corpus tuum lucidum erit. Si autem oculus tuus fuerit nequam, totum corpus tuum tenebrosum erit. Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum 6, 22-23

In nomine + Patris, et + Filii, et Spiritus + Sancti. Amen.

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