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Shakespeare’s Rose theatre to stage a dramatic return from the depths

In a dank water-filled basement beneath a concrete office block lie the remains of the theatre where Shakespeare is likely to have performed in his first plays.
The discovery of the Rose in 1989 was a sensation that attracted the attentions of actors including Ian McKellen and Dustin Hoffman, but while tourists have thronged to the replica of Shakespeare’s Globe 100 metres away, only a few have been able to see a real playhouse of the age.

The archaeologist left in charge of the site hopes that this will soon change as he prepares an £8 million plan to complete excavations on the site and open a visitor centre.

Harvey Sheldon, who led the emergency excavation in 1989 when developers were going to bulldoze the site, is about to sign a 25-year lease with new owners that will be the first step in restarting a project that has been in stasis for 25 years.

The remains of the theatre, which closed in 1600, were immersed in water in 1990 in what Mr Sheldon intended to be a temporary measure while the office block was built on girders over the top. Artefacts from the site were stored by the Museum of London.

The site is again being primed for redevelopment after it was bought by WPP, the advertising agency, to be its London headquarters.

Mr Sheldon said that the new development would include space for a visitor centre on two levels that would allow the public to get within touching distance of the remains and to watch performances where the stage would have been.

The first step would be for archaeologists to dig up the remaining third of the theatre that was undisturbed in 1989. There would also be a more leisurely exploration of the old dig. Mr Sheldon said that he hoped to prove that all of the foundations of the theatre had survived and to discover the remains of a stair turret that theatregoers would have used to reach the galleries.

He said that his archaeological team had had only “a few weeks” to do their dig in 1989. “That was enough to show the remains of the Rose had survived. The Rose is likely to be the only one of the polygonal theatres on either side of the Thames to have survived the rigours of time.”

Records show that Henry VI Part 1, partly written by Shakespeare, and Titus Andronicus, one of his earliest successes, were performed as “nu plays” at the Rose. Although there is no proof that Shakespeare was in the cast, historians believe that he probably was.

The playwright is most commonly associated with the Globe theatre, which has been found near by, but only a small section of wall has survived.

Mr Sheldon said that earlier attempts to build a visitor centre at the Rose lost momentum when the office block was erected. “Once it ceased to be news — once the remains were buried — then it was a question of keeping the interest in the Rose at the forefront. That was very different in the 1990s because the doors were shut. Nothing has been done since then because there hasn’t been the resources to do anything.”

The plan is to build viewing platforms to allow the public to see the whole of the remains being uncovered “for a considerable time”.

Mr Sheldon said that the visitor centre would not try to compete with Shakespeare’s Globe, but it was important to bring players back to the site. “We want a performance space so that we would be returning the site to its original function on Bankside.”


Bila sam ovde, neverovatan doživljaj.

Sačuvali su ostatke Rouza, najstarijeg renesansnog pozorišta u Londonu, gde je Šekspir počeo svoju karijeru, u podrumu višespratnice izgrađene 1989. Investitori su popustili posle dugotrajnih protesta i napravili taj ustupak. Voda služi da očuva ostatke.

Koriste baru za scene na vodi, recimo u Buri.




Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.


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  • 1 month later...

Da li je tačno da je Mileva Šekspir bila Srpkinja i da je zapravo ona napisala sve Šekspirove predstave? 




А роб твој и робиња твоја што ћеш имати нека буду од онијех народа који ће бити око вас, од њих купујте роба и робињу.

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пре 19 минута, Avocado рече

Da li je tačno da je Mileva Šekspir bila Srpkinja i da je zapravo ona napisala sve Šekspirove predstave? 





Ali ja volim ovaj esej:

Virginia Woolf: "Shakespeare's Sister"



Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.


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пре 17 минута, Paradoksologija рече


Ali ja volim ovaj esej:

Virginia Woolf: "Shakespeare's Sister"

Ja više volim Shakespear's Sister u ovoj varijanti

Narocito drugu polovinu pesme...


А роб твој и робиња твоја што ћеш имати нека буду од онијех народа који ће бити око вас, од њих купујте роба и робињу.

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пре 5 минута, Снежана рече


To Snežo!  Konačno i malo umetnosti na ovoj temi... ;)


А роб твој и робиња твоја што ћеш имати нека буду од онијех народа који ће бити око вас, од њих купујте роба и робињу.

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The name was adapted from the title of the song "Shakespeare's Sister" by The Smiths, which was in turn a reference to Virginia Woolf's work A Room of One's Own.[6

Путници, нема пута, путеви се стварају ходањем!



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O, moja muza, svezana jezika,

Skromno sad ćuti, dok ti drugi piše

Prezlatnim perom hvalu tvog lika

U pesmi gde se muze posestriše.

Ja mislim dobre misli, drugi zbore

Prelepe reči, te ja, đak neuki,

Prozborim "Amin" na te razgovore

Koji su samo tek hvalospev puki.

Kad čujem hvalu, ja kažem - "Tako je" -

I dodam nešto da još više ima,

Al u mislima tek ljubavi moje

Koja je prva, a ne u rečima.

       Ti druge ceni - što zvučno govore,

        Mene - zbog misli, koje nemo zbore.



Путници, нема пута, путеви се стварају ходањем!



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  • 1 month later...

Imao bih jedno pitanje i jedno potpitanje u vezi prevoda sabranih dela Šekspirovih, pa bih te molio za odgovor. 

Dakle, kao prvo, da li je ovo "novo" ćirilično izdanje samo "pretisak" onoga iz sredine devedesetih koje je latinično, ili su možda načinjene neke izmene (?)

I, s tim u vezi, da li si možebiti učestvovala na bilo koji način u radu na tome prevodu (ako ne na onom starijem, možda na ovom "novom") (?)

Unapred ti se zahvaljujem! :skidamkapu:



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On 8.6.2017. at 20:42, Avocado рече

Ja više volim Shakespear's Sister u ovoj varijanti

Narocito drugu polovinu pesme...


Kad sam bila klinka jedva sam čekala drugi minut :smeh1:

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