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Patriarch of Alexandria: There is a solution to the issue of Autocephaly of Ukraine

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The Primate of the Alexandrian Church, Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria and All Africa, in his interview to the newspaper “Ethnos”, for the first time takes a stand on the issue of granting Autocephaly to Ukraine.

Speaking about the attitude of the Archdiocese of Alexandria on the issue of the Autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church, the Patriarch of Alexandria has clearly pointed out that he has lived the pain and schism of the Ukrainian Church, but he knows very well “the Russian Church as well, because I was nurtured there for ten years and the Patriarchate of Alexandria has emotional bonds with it”.

He acknowledges, however, that there is a huge problem, that of the Autocephaly, which “Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew had the right to grant” but he clarifies that what has divided the Churches is the people who took the status of Autocephaly.

He revealed the initiative of Archbishop of Cyprus to meet with the Ecumenical Patriarch so as to ask for a meeting between Bartholomew, himself and the Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow. “Every problem has its solution. Our Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew is the Patriarch of Romiosyne, who we all respect and love. Do not forget that this issue is not a dogmatic one. There is a solution to the issue of Autocephaly”.

He also added that there will soon be a new meeting in Nicosia with the participation of the Patriarchates of Antioch, Jerusalem, Alexandria and the Church of Cyprus.

“I think a solution can be found, if we let aside our personal issues and consider the interest of the Church” he characteristically said.

For the new Archbishop of Australia, Makarios, he stresses that “I know him since a kid, I love and appreciate him. I am glad that Elpidophoros is going to America, and that in France there is another Archpriest from Crete, Emmanuel”.

With regard to his work on the African continent, Theodoros stresses that the biggest challenge he faces in performing his duties is poverty: “Man is no longer happy; there are no smiles and joy anymore. Today affluence is an end in itself, so I see sad faces. However, in my own field of action, which is mainly Black Continent, I do meet happy people”.



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С обзиром да је ову вест објавила Ромфеа, треба узети у обзир да су се њене претходне објаве показале као лажне!

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пре 8 минута, Ромејац рече

С обзиром да је ову вест објавила Ромфеа, треба узети у обзир да је су се њене претходне објаве показале као лажне!

Дај Боже да си у праву.Ово није добро

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Молба да се не отварају нове теме које се тичу раскола, него да све вести и коментари буду на постојећој теми о расколу. У том смислу предлажм администрацији да ово што је овде писано "пресели" на ту тему.

пре 14 часа, Ромејац рече

He acknowledges, however, that there is a huge problem, that of the Autocephaly, which “Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew had the right to grant”

Ако је тачно да је ово рекао, није добро. Није Вартоломеј имао право да да аутокефалију. Осим ако се призна нова истанбулска идеологија источног папизма. Оваквом изјавом александријски практично признаје источни папизам Вартоломејев.

А овакво мењање ставова, час са Москвом, час са Истанбулом, "добро јутро чаршијо на све четири стране", врло је жалосно. Испада да је (црквена) политика у првом плану, а исповедање вере и одбрана Православља у другом или трећем. 

пре 14 часа, Ромејац рече

Do not forget that this issue is not a dogmatic one.

Наравно да јесте догматско питање, јер се тиче еклисиологије. 

Врло разочаравајуће обраћање Александријског патеријарха.

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