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A vidim kod tebe tamo dva cigančića zapalila neki dvorac, teško njima sad u Slovačkoj.

To je u komšiluku, kod Slovaka, ja sam na Moravi. Krasna Horka, (Krásna Hôrka) škoda, přeškoda!






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  • 3 weeks later...

Slike sa sureta pape Benedikta XVI i Fidela Castra


In this picture made available by the Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano Pope Benedict XVI meets

with Fidel Castro in Havana, Wednesday, March 28, 2012.

Ostale slike možete vidjeti ovdje:


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  • 1 month later...

Benedict XVI meets the premier of the Czech Republic

Vatican City, 25 May 2012 (VIS) - The Holy See Press Office released the following communique at midday today:

"This morning, Friday 25 May, the Holy Father Benedict XVI received in audience Petr Nečas, prime minister of the Czech Republic. The prime minister subsequently went on to meet with Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone S.D.B. who was accompanied by Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, secretary for Relations with States.

"During the cordial discussions mention was first made of His Holiness' apostolic trip to the Czech Republic in 2009, after which attention turned to certain themes of mutual interest.

"On the subject of a draft bill on ecclesiastical property, currently being examined by the Chamber of Deputies, the hope was expressed that the legislative process would come to an equitable conclusion, so as effectively to respect the contribution the Catholic Church makes to the entire country.

"The two sides affirmed their desire to regulate relations between Church and State by means of an Agreement, and expressed their intention of maintaining regular and constructive dialogue at various institutional levels".



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That"s all fine,али када ће свети отац Папа да постане Епископ Рима,

па да кренемо Јово на ново.

Premijer Nečas je tamo bio radi poziva Papi u Češku na Moravu na proslavu Jubileja 1150 godina od dolaska svete solunske braće Ćirila i Metodija na Moravu i početka Velikomoravske Misije.

Tamo taj poziv još nije bio riješen jer svi na svijetu žele da Papa dođe baš njima, iz svojih izvora na praškoj arcibiskupiji sam doznao da će to najviše sad zavisiti od Srba tj. SPC i poziva na proslavu u Niš jer ta ima prednost kao ekumenska i cjelosvjetska, ako se uspije dogovoriti, tamo bi trebali biti okupljeni predstavnici svih crkvi.

Nečas přijel do Vatikánu u příležitosti zahájení jubilejního roku, kterým se bude připomínat 1150. výročí příchodu věrozvěstů Cyrila a Metoděje na české území.

Oslavy s desítkami akcí vyvrcholí příští rok na Velehradě, kam byl pozván také Benedikt XVI., který by se tak do Česka vrátil po čtyřech letech. Návštěva papeže na Moravě nebyla potvrzena ani po dnešní schůzce.

"Je to věc, která se bude teprve řešit. Velice rád by určitě přijel, ale na celém světě chtějí svatého otce," řekl po schůzce novinářům Nečas. "Velice jsem ocenil návštěvu svatého otce v ČR v roce 2009, která měla velký úspěch a velký ohlas. My bychom byli velice rádi, kdybychom svatého otce znovu přivítali v ČR," dodal Nečas.


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  • 3 months later...

Рено му подари на Папата два папамобила на електричен погон

Објавено на Четврток, 06 Септември 2012 16:58

Benedict XVI's electric Popemobile - Renault Kangoo Maxi ZE


Францускиот производител на автомобили „Renault“ му подари на папата Бенедикт Шеснаесетти две возила коишто целосно се движат на електричен погон, не ја загадуваат околината и работат тивко, соопшти во четвртокот Ватикан.

Двата мали папамобила, еден во бела а другиот во сина боја, ќе му служат за патувања на Папата и на ватиканската безбедносна служба. Папата во нив ќе се превезува внатре во Ватикан и во паркот на летната резиденција Кастел Гандолфо, 25 километри југоисточно од Рим, појасни портпаролот на Ватикан, монсињор Федрико Ломбарди.

Германскиот папа со световно име Јозеф Рајтцингер е познат по грижата за околината и чистите енергии, како што нагласи Ломбарди.

Малото бело возило од моделот „кангу макси ZE“ со папските ознаки ќе служи и за покуси патувања меѓу двете цркви надвор од Ватикан.


Возилата на Папата му биле врачени во средата во неговата летна резиденција и тој веднаш се повозил со нови, секако како патник. Во Ватикан и во Кастел Гандолфо поставени се осум приклучоци за полнење на електричните возила.

Папамобилите на „Renault“ не се блиндирани и нема да бидат користени за патувања во странство, меѓутоа имаат подвижен покрив, па Папата може да му отпоздравува на насобраната маса додека минува низ Ватикан.


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Benedict XVI receives electric car

September 6, 2012. (Romereports.com) Benedict XVI has always expressed his concern on caring for the environment. In 2009, he even had solar panels installed at the Vatican to help with some its energy needs.

Now, the pope is taking another step forward in “going green”. The French car company Renault gave one of their new electric cars as a gift to Benedict XVI at his summer residence in Castel Gandolfo.

JACQUES BOUSQUET, President, Renault Italy

“We knew for some time that the Vatican and the Pope were especially keen on durable solutions for mobile technology to protect the environment.”

The car will not be converted into one of the famous 'popemobiles' but nonetheless it will be used by the Pope. It will be used to travel short distances within the gardens of Castel Gandolfo and will remain off the streets. Some changes were made especially to this model.

JACQUES BOUSQUET, President, Renault Italy

“We made entry to the vehicle very easy and it has a very large inside and is very bright.”

Benedict XVI is not the only one to receive this gift... The Vatican police will also have use of the new car.

JACQUES BOUSQUET, President, Renault Italy

“For these two cars, which are 100% electric, we use the model Kangoo Maxi ZE. We worked with our engineers in Paris to create these two models that are unique to the needs of the Vatican.”

The car will now join the Vatican fleet of vehicles that is growing more green every year.


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  • 4 months later...

Benedict XVI: Christian unity is important


"Christian unity is necessary in order to announce the faith in a credible way to those who do not know Christ or, who, having received the precious gift of the Gospel, have forgotten Him." These were the words of Pope Benedict, at last night's celebration of Vespers with representatives of other Christian communities. They were gathered around the tomb of St. Paul the Apostle on the Feast of St. Paul's Conversion. "Unity among Christians," said Pope Benedict, "is more the work and gift of the Holy Spirit than the result of human efforts. In today's society in which the Gospel seems to matter less and less, the Churches and Ecclesial Communities are called to take up the challenge of proclaiming Christ. 

Benedict XVI meets with Oriental Orthodox Church leaders


"I greet your holiness and express our joy"
Benedict XVI received the leaders from several Oriental Orthodox Churches on the conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, to discuss the progress of talks between them to reach full communion.

Benedict XVI: continue with ecumenical efforts


The Holy Father received a delegation from the International Mixed Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. In his remarks, Pope Benedict acknowledged with gratitude progress achieved, and encouraged all those involved in the dialogue process to continue their work with prayerful trust in God. He also remembered some partners in dialogue, who have gone to their rest in the Lord.

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  • 1 month later...



Pope Francis I

First pope born outside Europe since St. Gregory III and in the Americas.

First Jesuit pope. Second pope to use "the First" in his title.


New Pope greets the World Francis I


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Papino odreknuće bilo motivirano vrlo ozbiljnim zdravstvenoim stanjem




Jedan istaknuti češki teolog Tomáš Halík koji se upravo vratio sa Konklava gdje je bio u pratnji nadbiskupa pražskog kardinala Dominika Duke izjavio da za odreknućem papa Benedikta XVI stoje vrlo ozbiljni zdravstveni problemi i razlozi, oslijepio je na jedno oko usljed tumora mozga.



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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Vatican Bank launches its first official website

July 31, 2013. (Romereports.com)

For the first time ever, the Vatican Bank, or IOR, has launched its official website, available at http://www.ior.va/
The website's launch comes as a consequence of the new transparency policy prompted by Pope Francis himself, who wants the bank to carry out its activities in the clearest possible way.
Even though the website is still extremely simple in its structure, however it contains useful information about the IOR's governance, the services it offers and a list of contacts. Another useful section is the 'media' page, in which various links and documents, but also recent press releases can be found.
Ior.va also features a message specifically written for the website by the Bank's president, Ernst von Freyberg. In it, the German businessman says that IOR's 'mission is to serve the universal Church', and that it is 'engaged in a process of comprehensive reform.'


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