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  1. Nakon smenjivanja najvećih imena red je došao na jednu sasvim drugu kompaniju! Verovatno već znate da je MWC 2020, najveći sajam mobilne telefonije, otkazan zbog koronavirusa, a ako ne znate - pročitajte razloge i obrazloženja na našem linku! Ipak, GSMA, organizaciju iza najvećeg Sajma mobilne telefonije to nije omelo da izabere najbolje tokom prethodne godine, kao što čini svake godine u ovo vreme - objavljeni su Glomo pobednici! MOŽDA ĆE VAS ZANIMATI: TECH VESTI | Pre 13 h Miš odlazi u istoriju - nova tastatura to i najavljuje (VIDEO) 11 TECH VESTI | Pre 14 h Stiže vrlo brzo - objavljen datum premijere, otkrivamo vam detalje (FOTO) 6 TECH VESTI | 24.02.2020. Počela ANDROID era bez Google-a: Kako izgleda, šta donosi (FOTO, VIDEO) 19 Ove godine, telekomunikaciono tržište, žiri i kompanije, svi zajedno, koji su učestvovali u odabiru i glasanju za najbolje, stalo je u odbranu Huawei kompanije, makar se tako stiče utisak, jer su listom ignorisali američke preporuke i odabrali Huawei kao najbolju kompaniju, rešenje, servis ili tehnologiju u dosad najvećem broju slučajeva. Huawei je nagrađen u kategorijama: Liderstvo u okviru 5G tehnologije Nagrada za 5G partnerstvo (uz BMW i China Unicom) Najbolja mobilna inovacija za posao Najbolja mobilna inovacija za pametne gradove Tehnologija budućnosti Najbolja mobilna inovacija za klimatsku održivost. Ukratko - Qualcomm samo jedna nagrada, Samsung takođe, a Ericsson dve. Ipak, najveće iznenađenje tokom proglašenja najboljih u 25. po redu dodeljivanju nagrada desilo se u najpopularnijoj kategoriji - NAJBOLJI MOBILNI UREĐAJ tj. PAMETNI TELEFON. Najboljim telefonom za 2020. godinu proglašen je OnePlus 7T Pro! O ovom telefonu, šesnaestočlani žiri je rekao: “Ovo je praktično nenadmašivo sa strane tehnološke perspektive, uz vodeću brzinu procesora u klasi, još bržim vremenom punjenja i odličnim softverom. Osim po ovom sveobuhvatnom proizvodu po pristupačnoj ceni, kompanija bi, takođe trebalo da bude prepoznata i po impresivno uspešnoj tržišnoj strategiji“.
  2. Celebrations in honor of the 180th anniversary of the Polotsk Council that reunited Belarusian and Lithuanian Uniates with the Orthodox Church in 1839 were held on Sunday in the ancient town of Polotsk. The festive celebrations began with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy in St. Sophia’s Cathedral, one of the oldest churches in Belarus. The Divine service was headed by His Eminence Metropolitan Pavel of Minsk and Zaslav, the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus, with the concelebration of several other hierarchs and a number of clergy, reports sobor.by. St. Sophia’s Cathedral, rebuilt after a devastating war in the 18th century on the foundations of an 11th-century Byzantine cathedral, witnessed the fateful decision of the Uniate hierarchs and clergy to return to the bosom of the Orthodox Church, the main initiator of which was the Uniate bishop (later Orthodox Metropolitan of Lithuania and Vilna) Joseph (Semashko). The Belarusian Church has discussed the possibility of canonizing this great reunifier, and 2018 was declared the year of Met. Joseph in the Belarusian Exarchate. As Met. Pavel noted during the service, 180 years ago, Met. Joseph gathered bishop and priests and, with God’s help, abolished the 1596 Union of Brest that saw a number of Orthodox bishops departing from the Church and placing themselves under the authority of the Pope, thus creating the Unia. Two years before the council, Met. Joseph initiated the collecting of signatures from Uniate clergy who desired to return to Orthodoxy. Only 2% of the Belarusian and Lithuanian Uniate clergy opposed, and the council in the Cathedral of St. Sophia opened on the Sunday of Orthodoxy in 1839. As a result of the council, more than 1,600 parishes, with more than 1.6 million parishioners were reunited to holy Orthodoxy, who are the ancestors of modern Central and Western Belarus. The Polotsk Council put an end to difficult times of hostility and hatred, Met. Pavel said. His Eminence Archbishop Theodosy of Polotsk and Glubokoe highlighted that through Met. Joseph’s efforts, the ancient Orthodox Diocese of Polotsk was able to return to its ancient and unique spiritual, ecclesiastical, social, political, scientific, and educational sources and fruits. “We continue to live in the traditions that were originally laid in our Church, that were at the origins of our state and nation. And now we enjoy their fruits by the labors of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk, and Joseph (Semashko), who was able to renew and revive all of it,” Abp. Theodosius said. During the celebrations, it was announced that an international forum decided to the 180th anniversary of the council will be held in October. In September 2016, Polish Orthodox believers also celebrated the 90th anniversary of the return of the people of Lemkos to the Orthodox Church from Uniatism. http://orthochristian.com/119602.html?fbclid=IwAR3tW60dHcYUHZFRKCsLz5lXfTUi7VRURM_Vl0W1i7VHaQijRHJnCo0NLGU
  3. The body of His Grace Bishop Athanasius of Kisimu and Western Kenya was laid to rest yesterday at the Dormition of the Theotokos Cathedral where the diocesan headquarters are located, reports nyxthimeron.com. Thus, the Kenyan faithful bid farewell to Bp. Athanasius, their greatly beloved hierarch of the Patriarchate of Alexandria, on the feast of the 3 Holy Hierarchs. His Grace became very ill while visiting America in November and was admitted to the ICU at St. Vincent Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts. Social media was flooded with heartfelt stories and memories of the kind and gentle hierarch. He reposed in the Lord on January 4, having suffered from a rare form of blood cancer. He was only 48. Bp. Athanasius’ body arrived to the Nairobi airport on January 27 and to the Kisimu airport the next day, from where it was taken to his home, where hundreds of people came to pray for and remember His Grace. A memorial All-Night Vigil was celebrated in the evening of January 29, where His Eminence Archbishop Makarios of Nairobi reminded those who had gathered to mourn of how such moments underscore the importance of our reliance on the salvation of Christ, Who is our final judge and our hope. A hierarchical Liturgy was celebrated the next day, January 30. The Liturgy was followed by a number of eulogies in Bp. Athanasius’ honor, and at 4:00 PM, a procession to the cathedral at the diocesan headquarters began to serve his funeral, according to a schedule posted on the Facebook page of the Orthodox Christian Missionary Center (OCMC). The children of the St. Tabitha Mission in the Kibera Slums sang in honor of Bp. Athanasius: The OCMC also reports that more than $50,000 were raised to fund transportation and funeral arrangements, to organize an event in his honor, and to support his diocese during this time of transition. Abp. Makarios offered a moving homily at the funeral, which he opened by exclaiming “Christ is Risen” in several languages. “Today is a very special day, a day of joy, a day of celebration, because we have seen our brother and co-celebrant in Christ, Bishop Athanasius, departing from this life to eternal life, the real life, the life in the bosom of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” he preached, focusing on the joy of the coming Resurrection. But, we never know when our time is coming, and thus we have to be ready. “Be ready,” the archbishop said. “Are we ready? Are we ready to forgive one another? Are we ready to love one another? Are we ready to embrace one another? Each and every one of us has to answer this question.” As Abp. Makarios told the crowd, Bp. Athanasius was a man who lived a life of preparation and readiness to meet Christ. May his memory be eternal! http://orthochristian.com/119042.html?fbclid=IwAR3YOST8lz_rY-tGkNKv3MQfDSF1nhsNO3fUbUBonAyNZW20Zv2a8A9VeKU
  4. FOTO: YOUTUBE, SCREENSHOT / SCREENSHOT Devojčica Džulijet Vejts (2) rođena je sa ozbiljnim deformitetom leve noge, zbog kojeg nije mogla da se kreće. Zbog njenog zdravstvenog stanja stanja, morala je na amputaciju pre nego što je prohodala, ali to je nije zaustavilo.
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