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Yesterday, January 22, the Sixth Court of Appeal ordered the State Migration Service of Ukraine in the Volyn Oblast to return Ukrainian citizenship to His Grace Bishop Gideon (Kharon) of Makarov, the abbot of the Tithes Monastery in Kiev, repots Ukrainska Pravda. The court also recognized that the Migration Service had no right to cancel the decision to grant His Grace citizenship by territorial origin in accordance with part 1, article 8 of the Law of Ukraine, “On Ukrainian Citizenship.” Bp. Gideon was unexpectedly detained in the Kiev Boryspil in Kiev in February last year upon returning from America, where he had spoken with Congressmen about the persecution the canonical Ukrainian Church was facing under Poroshenko’s rule. His Grace was deported, his passport was confiscated, and his citizenship was canceled. He also holds American citizenship and ended up spending several months in California. He later filed a lawsuit against the Migration Service in the Volyn Oblast, demanded that the decision to cancel his citizenship be overturned and declared illegal. The District Administrative Court of Kiev began proceedings in the case on April 23, and on September 19, the court ruled in Bp. Gideon’s favor, deciding not only to return his citizenship, but also to reimburse him for his court fees. Despite the Administrative Court’s September decision, the matter continued in the Appeals Court, whose decision came into effect immediately yesterday, although the Migration Service can still appeal. Court orders Migration Service to return citizenship to Ukrainian bishop who was deported under Poroshenko ORTHOCHRISTIAN.COM Yesterday, January 22, the Sixth Court of Appeal ordered the State Migration Service of Ukraine in the Volyn Oblast to return Ukrainian citizenship to His Grace Bishop Gideon (Kharon) of Makarov, the...
'I used to be so hot': Ex-porn star Jenni Lee, 37, is discovered living destitute in the tunnels under Las Vegas - but insists she's happier with the homeless because they are more accepting and 'genuine friends' Jenni Lee, whose real name is Stephanie Sadorra, was unexpectedly found living in the tunnels beneath the Las Vegas Strip last month The 37-year-old, who was barely recognizable, revealed her identity when interviewed by a Dutch news program about the tunnels Sadorra, who is ranked 119th on Pornhub's list of best porn actresses, said she was 'very famous' and 'used to be so hot' It is not clear how long Sadorra, who is originally from Clarksville, Tennessee, has been homeless or how she made her way into the tunnels A famous porn star who is ranked among the best adult entertainment actresses in the world has been discovered homeless and living underground in Las Vegas. Jenni Lee, whose real name is Stephanie Sadorra, was unexpectedly found living in the tunnels beneath the Las Vegas Strip last month. The 37-year-old, who is ranked 119th on Pornhub's list of best porn actresses, was interviewed by a Dutch news program for a documentary about the network of tunnels occupied by hundreds of homeless people. Sadorra, who was barely recognizable from her days in the adult entertainment industry, revealed in the interview that she used to be a famous porn star. Jenni Lee, whose real name is Stephanie Sadorra, was unexpectedly found living in the tunnels beneath the Las Vegas Strip last month The 37-year-old, who is now barely recognizable from her days in the adult entertainment industry, is ranked 119th on Pornhub's list of best porn actresses 'I actually got very famous. Maybe a little too famous,' she said in the documentary that aired on RTL 5. 'I should still be in the top 100 on some list somewhere. 'I used to be so hot.' It is not clear how long Sadorra, who is originally from Clarksville, Tennessee, has been homeless or how she made her way into the tunnels. Despite no access to running water, Sadorra insisted she was happy living underground in the tight-knit community because people were more accepting. 'It's not as difficult as you might think, everybody's really respectful,' she said. 'Everybody's good to each other, which I don't think you find much (above ground). 'I'm happy, I have everything I need here.' She went on to say that 'hardships build camaraderie' and that she believed being underground in the tunnels had allowed her to make more genuine friends. Her Pornhub profile still has about 45,000 subscribers and she has roughly 135 million views on the porn website. She started out modelling at the age of 19 and featured in some TV commercials. Saddora starred in her first hardcore adult film when she was 21. She last appeared in an adult movie titled 'Horny Housewives' back in 2016, according to her IMDb profile. The 200 miles of flood tunnels underneath the famous Las Vegas Strip have been home to hundreds of homeless people for years. They have established a community beneath the city complete with established living spaces. Porn star Jenni Lee is found living in underground Las Vegas tunnels | Daily Mail Online WWW.DAILYMAIL.CO.UK Porn star Jenni Lee, whose real name is Stephanie Saddora, was unexpectedly found living in the tunnels beneath the Las Vegas Strip last month.
During the French Revolution’s worst years, some of the most visible expressions of violence involved attacks on the Church, which was perceived as a pillar of the ancien régime. Revolutionaries slaughtered numerous clergy and expelled thousands of others. They expropriated Church-owned property and occasionally ransacked and burnt churches. It was hard not to recall these past events when reading about the recent spate of vandalism inflicted on Catholic churches throughout France over the past two weeks. The Observatoire de la Christianophobie reports that between February 3 and 11, nine Catholic churches were subject to severe vandalism, ranging from the smashing of statues and stained-glass windows to the overturning of tabernacles. One church in Yvelines, the church of Saint-Nicolas de Houilles, was vandalised three times in seven days. It follows a series of similar attacks on Catholic churches throughout France in 2018. Vandalism isn’t a new problem. But why have Catholic churches in France become a target in recent years? Part of the answer lies in that they are easy targets. Many churches are open to the public on a regular basis. In some cases, they lack internal surveillance cameras. This made it simple for a group of Romanian migrants, for instance, to stroll into Catholic churches throughout 2018 and walk out unimpeded with valuable artifacts to sell. Beyond professional thieves, the absence of security means that anyone with a grudge or strong resentment about their present circumstances won’t encounter too much difficulty if they choose to wreak havoc on a church’s interior. That could include people ranging from disgruntled teenagers to Islamists looking for easy targets. To that extent, the outbreak of church vandalism may reflect the social unrest presently permeating France. The country is now into its fourth month of protest by the gilets jaunes (yellow vests). Much of this has been expressed through vandalism of banks, high-end businesses in fashionable parts of Paris and other cities, and the occasional scrawling of graffiti on national monuments. The police’s aggressive response to the gilets jaunes has also helped inure many otherwise peaceful people to everyday violence. That, however, doesn’t explain the French media’s relative silence on church desecrations or the French government’s indifferent response to the problem. The only major French newspaper to raise major concerns has been the centre-right Le Figaro. On February 13, Prime Minister Edouard Phillipe belatedly tweeted a condemnation of the attacks, promising he would discuss the issue at his next meeting with France’s Catholic bishops. That’s hardly a robust response. It also suggests that, when it comes to violence against Catholic places of worship, the reaction of much of France’s political and media establishment is a collective shrug. In some quarters, things have not changed much since 1789. https://catholicherald.co.uk/magazine/frances-churches-are-under-attack-but-the-establishment-doesnt-seem-to-care/?fbclid=IwAR2zcLNMc51XhzQK0iVrFIiFoTS1I5Gfv1roZ8Zfq-TtLg9E8aI1RRrbP_E
St. Petersburg, January 18, Interfax - The relics of new martyrs who died for faith after the revolution in Russia will be brought to the dioceses of the Moscow Patriarchate in a special arc. Metropolitan Varsonofy of St. Petersburg and Ladoga “The arc will be brought to all dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church,” Metropolitan Varsonofy of St. Petersburg and Ladoga was quoted as saying by the local metropolia. The arc is now being made, the metropolitan said. It will contain the relics of all new martyrs whose remains have been obtained. The event will be held to mark the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution. The names of several dozens of people who died for faith in the years after the revolution are now known, and over 1,000 of them have been called new martyrs. Among them are Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra Fyodorovna and their five children. http://www.pravmir.com/arc-containing-relics-saints-died-faith-soviets-carried-across-russia-mark-100th-anniversary-october-revolution/
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