Претражи Живе Речи Утехе
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Da li je moguće da je ovo drušzvo toliko bolesno i frustrirano da psihopate nailaze na toliku solidarnost... "Našla bogatog matorca. Zato ju je ubio": Šokantni komentari na ubistvo devojke u Novom Sadu zbog kojih javnost treba da bude zgrožena - Zena.rs ZENA.BLIC.RS Pre dva dana muškarac D.D. (28) osmnjičen je za ubistvo bivše...
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Hilarion, Archbishop of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, on April 28, 2019, the ROCOR faithful in Pakistan joyfully participated in the Paschal Divine Liturgy. The congregation was given the chance to prepare themselves during the Holy week. The parishioners participated in the services starting from Palm Sunday; it is the most joyous feasts of the year, as we commemorate the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem and with full passion and true spirit the Orthodox faithful were taught well by Fr.Joseph Farooq how to follow the holy traditions of the Orthodox Church during the Passion Week. All the main services were well attended, with many parishioners receiving the sacrament of Confession and Holy Communion. This year During the Great Lent Season in the Pastoral visits and Sunday Services Fr. Joseph Farooq preached to the faithful “Holy Traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church.” He helped the congregation for the spiritual preparation for the Holy Pascha. As our congregation victim of social injustice and poverty and deprived of basic human rights, the Russian Orthodox Church in Pakistan has strengthened Orthodox Christians in Pakistan to remain steadfast and strong in their faith in all the circumstances. The Bright Light of the resurrection of Christ fills their heart with hope to move ahead in their tribulation. The Orthodox community in Pakistan wishes to make Pakistan a peaceful and just society through their struggle and constant prayers. The youth of St. Sergius Orthodox parish voluntarily and with full spirit and passion decorated the Church arena with buntings, banners and colorful ribbons. The Paschal Joy, Triumph of life, Christ's Resurrection brings many blessings for the Orthodox Church in Pakistan and throughout the world. http://orthochristian.com/120944.html?fbclid=IwAR0HX2YYZ6rV8z7isw99b5MB1v7wxe9GgTdmWzWv1A4Mu3dAztzMozk_mT8
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