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  1. NEW YORK – The Holy Archdiocese of America cites the following announcement of the Ecumenical Patriarchate: ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE It is hereby announced that today Saturday, May 4, 2019, His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch received His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Geron of America, who apprised Him on various affairs of his God-saved Eparchy. Thereafter, His Eminence, the Archbishop submitted his written resignation from the throne of the Holy Archdiocese of America, which he shepherded with God-loving care for twenty years, and which the Patriarch will bring for consideration before the Holy and Sacred Synod in its upcoming meeting of next Thursday, May 9. https://www.goarch.org/-/announcement-regarding-the-meeting-of-the-ecumenical-patriarch-with-archbishop-demetrios-geron-of-america Било је питање времена...
  2. A delegation from the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation in Russia will travel to Jerusalem for the ceremony of the Holy Fire and then deliver the sacred flame to Russia and a number of other countries, including the United States, the Foundation’s press service told RIA-Novosti. “The delegation of the St. Andrew’s Foundation will deliver the Holy Fire from the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem to Moscow for the Patriarchal Paschal service in Christ the Savior Cathedral. The delegation will be headed by the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the St. Andrew Foundation Vladimir Yakunin and the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church Archbishop Matthew of Egorev, vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus’. Traditionally, the delegation of the St. Andrew the First-Called Foundation will include public and state figures, clergymen, cultural figures, journalists, and businessmen. In all, about 100 people,” the message reads. The Holy Fire will be delivered to various cities throughout Russia from Vnukovo Airport in Moscow. “In addition, it is planned to deliver the Holy Fire to Germany, Latvia, the U.S., and Estonia,” the press service’s message informs. The bringing of the Holy Fire to the Russian Orthodox Church is carried out within the framework of the Foundation’s program “Ask for Peace in Jerusalem.” Also as part of this program, the delegation will read a special prayer for peace in the Holy Land together with His Beatitude Patriarch Theophilos of Jerusalem. The same prayer is read in the churches of the Russian Church. http://orthochristian.com/120734.html?fbclid=IwAR3l8-BPLb-6oFAOb7-VxSI2PsGJDFsvM7TOCpeSjVkQQPn6WBkYW-T4cBg
  3. Ovruch, Ukraine, February 25, 2019 The Soviet times were a time of totalitarian pressure on the human conscience, just as now there are lying attempts to involve people in the new ‘church,’ said His Eminence Metropolitan Vissarion of Ovruch and Korosten in a new interview on the diocesan site. “In those days, several teachers and the military Commissar told me: ‘You believing Church people work for the West, America, the CIA.’ Now they tell my team and I another lie: ‘You work for Moscow, the Kremlin,” Met. Vissarion said, showing the similarities between Soviet Ukraine and today’s Ukraine. The hierarch recalled how the KGB threatened to arrest him for distributing morning and evening prayers, and now the authorities harass him for standing firm in his loyalty to the true Church of Christ. The Ovruch Diocese overwhelmingly declared its loyalty to the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church and its primate His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kiev and All Ukraine on December 10. Among other things, the authorities created a fake Facebook page in his name to spread schismatic propaganda. They also installed a fake billboard in the city with his photo and text claiming that he blessed the creation of the so-called “Orthodox Church of Ukraine.” Met. Vissarion also said that only 4 of the 220 clergy in his diocese moved into the schismatic church after its creation on December 15. Vladyka Vissarion suspended them for breaking their priestly oath, after which a new wave of slander crashed upon him. Now, as in the years of Soviet oppression, it is necessary to protect the flock and read special prayers. “We say: Our Church in Ukraine—it’s not Putin’s, not Poroshenko’s, but our Lord Jesus Christ’s; its administrative center is in the Kiev Caves Lavra, headed by His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry. And this Church is recognized by Patriarch Theophil of Jerusalem and all the Local Churches,” the Ovruch hierarch explained. He also stressed that the Church’s mission is to help people be purified and grow spiritually. “Through our Church there is the possibility, by God’s grace, to put on Christ and to go into eternity with such joy,” Met. Vissarion said. He also reminded those that have threatened him, including by text message, that God’s judgment awaits us all. “Having received about 10 foul-mouthed text messages, at the end they even wrote: ‘666 is coming soon…’ Let us recall from the Gospel: There will be a Second glorious Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Dread Judgment of the living and the dead,” the canonical hierarch concluded. http://orthochristian.com/119552.html?fbclid=IwAR2EdwzIwklsRLyhXczMI_bqHp9Xt0IOGWjVj_MKgqEQXjckplS9rUoBDU8
  4. Changes are coming to the American, Australian, and British Churches under the Ecumenical Patriarchate, according to Patriarch Bartholomew’s own words following a recent Divine Liturgy in Istanbul. In a video posted on the Patriarchate’s Facebook page, Pat. Bartholomew speaks about holding elections to replace the primates of the Greek Orthodox Archdioceses in the English-speaking world, reports the National Herald. There have long been reports that Pat. Bartholomew has been trying to oust Archbishop Demetrios of America, though this is the first time the plans have been publicly addressed. It is unclear who will replace the Archbishop. In November, the National Herald reported, with reference to its own sources, that Pat. Bartholomew had requested Abp. Demetrios’ resignation for the third time, not wanting to replace him without an official resignation. The Patriarch accepted the Archbishop’s request to delay his removal until after Pascha. On February 7, the National Herald again reported on the imminent removal of Abp. Demetrios, as well as the possibility of breaking up the Archdioceses of Australia and of Thyateira and Great Britain into various Archdioceses respectively. In his recent words following the Liturgy, Pat. Bartholomew said that the Patriarchate will be holding elections for new primates in the three mentioned Archdioceses, stating that the elections are part of the sacred responsibilities of the Mother Church. He also spoke of the recent granting of autocephaly to the new Ukrainian church, stating that the Patriarchate does not get involved in politics. The National Herald reports that the Archdiocese of America has been plagued by numerous financial scandals under Abp. Demetrios, which have reportedly frustrated the Patriarch. Meanwhile, Archbishop Stylianos of Australia is 83 years old and suffering from a serious illness that hinders his ability to fulfill his duties. Archbishop Gregorios in the United Kingdom is 90 years old, and there are said to be many problems in his Archdiocese, which Pat. Bartholomew recently went to see first-hand, incognito. http://orthochristian.com/119446.html?fbclid=IwAR0sNzPULojETIZthp2mb07J9vHfRKSnNXupvgz6gEnAZqhOs9qhUjaAEZs
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