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Препоручена порука

Manastir KAMENAC se nalazi u selu Cestin kod Gruze na pola puta Kragujevac-Kraljevo. U njemu mozete uzeti lek od RAKA, SVIH VRSTA TUMORA I CISTA. U pitanju je kozlac, pecurka cistac i ulje Svetoga Nektarija Eginskog. Ova kombinacija je se uspesno pokazala u lecenju ove bolesti. Monahinje nesalju vise lek postom vec lek mora da se preuzme licno ili da neko koje blizu manastira uzme lek i posalje vam. Lek je besplatan. Broj telefona nemogu da objavim iz razloga sto su prosle godine mnogi zoupotrebljavali broj manastira.

Фотографија корисника Miroslav Basaric

''Старајте се да имате љубав. Иштите свакодневно од Бога љубав. Заједно са љубављу долази сво богатство добара и врлина. Волите, да бисте били вољени од других.''
(Св.Нектарије Егински)

ЖИВА ДЕЛА УТЕХЕ - искрено се надам да ће ова акција пробудити оно најбоље у нама

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Популарни чланови у овој теми

пре 25 минута, JESSY рече

U pitanju je kozlac

Козлац се може добити и у Задужбини манастира Хиландар у Београду. Исто се мора отићи лично. Потражите Ивана, или било кога другог питајте када можете да дођете, сви су заиста дивни, лепо ће вас примити, попричаћете и упутити вас шта даље и како.

Уље са Егине сада имамо на више места хвала Богу, а можете наручити и код оца Ненада Андрића, заједно са иконом.

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hvala puno na informacijama, Aleks...:dobro:

''Старајте се да имате љубав. Иштите свакодневно од Бога љубав. Заједно са љубављу долази сво богатство добара и врлина. Волите, да бисте били вољени од других.''
(Св.Нектарије Егински)

ЖИВА ДЕЛА УТЕХЕ - искрено се надам да ће ова акција пробудити оно најбоље у нама

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  • 1 year later...

O raku i medicini ne znam ništa, imao sam priliku da u zadnjih pet godina pratim "izbliza" borbu dvoje muškaraca protiv raka, bivši drugar sa posla (u penziji je, svaki dan pretrči 5-6km) i stric od žene. Obojici se je posle uspešne operacije i terapije posle godinu-dve dana opet pojavio rak na drugom mestu. Ni prvi ni drugi put nije bilo metastaza. Obojici se Brojsova terapija nije svidela zbog gladovanja. Odlučili su se za Budwig protokol. Odluka je bila ispravna, njihovoj sreći nema kraja.


Budvig dijeta (protokol) protiv raka




Budwig dijeta (protokol) protiv raka i najtežih bolesti



Johanna Budwig - Rak, problem i rjesenje



Lothar Hirneise - Kemoterapija liječi rak i Zemlja je ravna ploča





Lucerna corporis tui est oculus tuus. Si oculus tuus fuerit simplex, totum corpus tuum lucidum erit. Si autem oculus tuus fuerit nequam, totum corpus tuum tenebrosum erit. Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum 6, 22-23

In nomine + Patris, et + Filii, et Spiritus + Sancti. Amen.

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Flaxseeds and Breast Cancer

“Lignans”, which are chemicals found in plants that contain phytonutrients and antioxidants, are often said to have cancer protective effects. One of the greatest sources of lignans in the human diet is flaxseeds, so researchers have set out to see what connection there is with flaxseeds and breast cancer development rates. In a study published in the Cancer Letters journal, researchers had test groups follow a higher fat diet with either 5% or 10% of their fat coming from flaxseed flour or defatted flaxmeal. After the study was finished, it was noted that all groups saw a decline in the rate of cancer cell spreading with the most notable decline coming from the group who supplemented with 5% flaxseed flour. Researchers noted that the subjects also showed increased rates of lignan excretion in their urine. So they concluded that the protective effects may come from the increased intake of lignans through the flaxseeds.

Flaxseeds and Breast Cancer

Researchers who published a study in the Nutrition and Cancer journal assessed what influence a diet rich in both phytoestrogens (a compound produced in plants) and omega-3 fatty acids would have on the spreading of human breast cancer. The researchers injected a group of test subjects (mice) with human breast cancer cells and then began them on a basal diet for a 7 week period of time. At 8 weeks, they were then assessed for tumor weight and size. Those that were similar carried on with the treatment and then went on to either eat the baseline diet again or consume a diet that was supplemented with 10% flaxseed for 8 more weeks. After this time, the tumors were measured to see the results of the flaxseed supplementation compared to not. It was noted that the flaxseed group saw a 45% reduction in total spread of the cancer compared to the group that did not get the treatment. The researchers noted that this reduction could have been, in part due to the fact that the flaxseeds reduced the level of insulin-like growth factor in the body, which could be linked to increase spreading of the breast cancer cells.

Flaxseeds and Prostate Cancer

It’s been proven that certain dietary factors may impact the rate of prostate cancer growth in humans as well as animals. What researchers didn’t know however was what impact diet may have on benign prostatic epithelium. As such, researchers who published in the Urology journal set out to look at what influence diet may have on this factor. They had a group of test subjects consume a diet that was reduced in total fat content (20% of total calories or less) while also taking 30 grams per day of flaxseed for a six month time frame. These subjects were all set to undergo a repeat prostate biopsy after the trial was finished. Once the six month mark had passed, of the 15 test subjects, two of them no longer needed to undergo the biopsy due to the normalization of their condition. And of those who did still undergo the biopsy, it was noted that they saw a greatly decreased level of production of the benign epithelium.




Lucerna corporis tui est oculus tuus. Si oculus tuus fuerit simplex, totum corpus tuum lucidum erit. Si autem oculus tuus fuerit nequam, totum corpus tuum tenebrosum erit. Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum 6, 22-23

In nomine + Patris, et + Filii, et Spiritus + Sancti. Amen.

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Budwig's Oil Protein Diet: Summary
1. First thing in the morning - raw sauerkraut juice (Probiotika)
2. Just before breakfast - green tea or herbal tea with 1 tsp
Turmeric / Curcumin
3. Breakfast - Flaxseed Oil & low-fat cottage cheese / quark +
freshly ground flaxseed + berry + fruit + raw nuts + honey + 2
tbsp. milk if needed for thinning. Afterwards, if hungry, gluten
free whole grain bread, raw vegetables (tomatoes, peppers,
4. SUNLIGHT - is important for several functions in the body
5. EXCERSISE outside if you feel strong enough (walking is good)
6. Noon - Homemade Vegetable Juice (carrots, beets or green
7. Before lunch - freshly ground flaxseed in champagne or green
8. Lunch - raw vegetables, salad or cooked vegetables + Budwig
9. Lunch Dessert - Flaxseed Oil & low-fat cottage cheese / quark.
Fruits, berries, raw nuts, honey
10. In the afternoon - 2 tbsp. freshly ground flaxseed in fruit juice
11. SUNLIGHT - Stress Reduction / Relaxation exercises
12. Late afternoon - Fresh papaya or pineapple juice 2 tbsp.
freshly ground flaxseed
13. Dinner - rice, corn alone or vegetables and starchy foods such
as buckwheat with Oleolux, nutritional yeast and spices
14. Night - hot green tea or herbal tea
15. Use ELDI oils or flaxseed oil to rub on the skin or as an enema
if necessary
16. Avoid; all chemicals, harmful fats, meat / eggs / fish, sugar,
most supplements, ozone treatments, dental infections and
medication if possible



Lucerna corporis tui est oculus tuus. Si oculus tuus fuerit simplex, totum corpus tuum lucidum erit. Si autem oculus tuus fuerit nequam, totum corpus tuum tenebrosum erit. Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum 6, 22-23

In nomine + Patris, et + Filii, et Spiritus + Sancti. Amen.

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Why did Dr. Budwig discourage taking vitamin and mineral supplements?

In Dr. Budwig's [German-language] book "Fotoelemente des Lebens" (Photo Elements of Life), p. 5, she talks about "the addition" of chemical substances, referring to antioxidants. She was obviously referring to man-made antioxidants, which are synthetic, and not antioxidants that are naturally occurring in foods. She also spoke of "electron thieves", such as margarine, animal fat, butter, nitrate, ionizing radiation, cytostatics (chemotherapy), antioxidants and vitamins with antioxidant properties (in high doses). These can prevent the uptake of electrons, blocking cell respiration. The following are quotes from the Budwig protocol: "Vitamins in capsules or pills contain fragmented nutrients and are mostly synthetically made. There is a long list of synthetic components, some of which are damaging; amongst these synthetic elements is talcum which is similar to asbestos." Dr. Budwig also said: "High doses or levels of antioxidants (antioxidant supplements) could reduce effectiveness or interfere with the Budwig Program.” She encouraged her patients to eat food in the form that God made it, not manipulated and processed. Therefore foods that naturally contain antioxidants are acceptable. For example, when eating grapes try to eat the seeds of the grape, as they are one of the richest sources of natural antioxidants. The Budwig program does not include any vitamin, mineral or antioxidant supplements.

strana 18


Are coffee enemas a good idea?

WARNING: Not recommended for liver cancer patients or extremely thin and weak patients.

Dr. Budwig did not use coffee enemas on her patients. She did, however, administer flaxseed oil enemas. Coffee enemas are one of the most effective ways to detoxify the liver and reduce pain. However, they are not recommended for long periods of time, as they deplete the body of minerals. It´s advisable to do the enema at the beginning of any liver detox treatment, preferably once a day for 3 weeks, after which you can reduce to twice a week. Chlorophyll enemas are also very rewarding (using ¼ liquid chlorophyll diluted in water). Green tea or chlorophyll enemas are not as effective for detoxifying the liver, but an excellent option from time to time. As abnormal cells start to naturally die off, the body needs to purify itself to avoid self-poisoning. We recommend that you consult a specialist first in order to avoid side-effects. The caffeine absorbed into the enterohepatic circulation system through coffee enemas purifies the hepatic ducts (including the bile ducts) from toxins, and also cleanses the sigmoid colon. It is a low-volume enema that remains only in the sigmoid colon. There is a vein system between the sigmoid colon and the liver called the enterohepatic circulation system. When the stool reaches this point (the sigmoid colon), it contains many toxins, which are sent to the liver for detoxification. The coffee enema will increase the transit time in the bowel. The caffeine that is absorbed into the enterohepatic system causes the liver ducts, including the bile ducts, to empty out toxins (it actually causes the liver to “vomit” out toxins). Releasing the toxins into the hepatic ducts, makes room for toxins from the body to enter the liver for detoxification. The alkaloids in the caffeine stimulate the production of glutathione-S-transferase, which is an enzyme that facilitates the liver detoxification pathways.Coffee enemas are safe even for people who are sensitive to caffeine because the coffee remains in the sigmoid colon, where it will not be absorbed, provided the proper amount is used and the enema bag is not placed too high.

strana 30


Lucerna corporis tui est oculus tuus. Si oculus tuus fuerit simplex, totum corpus tuum lucidum erit. Si autem oculus tuus fuerit nequam, totum corpus tuum tenebrosum erit. Evangelium Secundum Matthaeum 6, 22-23

In nomine + Patris, et + Filii, et Spiritus + Sancti. Amen.

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  • 3 years later...

Izuzetno uspešna terapija raka: monoklona antitela


mikroskopRezultati nedavnog kliničkog eksperimenta lečenja raka debelog creva monoklonim antitelima, objavljeni u uglednom časopisu The New England Journal of Medicine, pokazali su stopostotan uspeh.

O rezultatima ovog malog kliničkog ispitivanja već se govori kao o "izuzetnim" i "bez premca", zato što nijedan od 12 učesnika eksperimenta, nakon šest meseci terapije lekom dostarlimab, nema više nikakvih znakova oboljenja od raka.

Učesnici ovog eksperimenta, oboleli od raka debelog creva i rektuma, dobijali su lek dostarlimab na svake tri nedelje tokom šest meseci. Bilo je planirano da se nakon toga podvrgnu standardnoj hemoterapiji ili zračenju.

Dostarlimab, lek na bazi monoklonog antitela, izgleda deluje tako što "efikasno vidi maligne ćelije, što omogućava imunom sistemu da ih identifikuje i uništi". Svaki od pacijenata koji je uzimao dostarlimab imao je "potpuno kliničko reagovanje na lek", piše u izveštaju istraživača "tako da se (nakon terapije) pomoću magnetne rezonance nije mogao otkriti nijedan znak tumora".

Na kraju se ispostavilo da dostarlimab deluje sam od sebe i da nijednom pacijentu nakon tretmana više nije bilo neophodno niti da bude operisan, niti da ide na hemoterapiju.

Tokom perioda praćenja, koji se kretao od 6 do 25 meseci, nije se pojavio nijedan slučaj povratka ili napretka oboljenja kod pacijenata. Nije izvešteno ni o jednom slučaju ozbiljnih nuspojava ovog tretmana.

Dr Luis A. Diaz Džunior, autor ovog istraživanja, izjavio je za Njujork tajms "da se tako nešto desilo prvi put u istoriji (lečenja) raka".

Ipak, ovde je neophodno dodati dve stvari.

Prvo, iako su početni rezultati izuzetni, da bi se mogli potvrditi, oni bi morali da se ponove na široj i raznovrsnijoj grupi pacijenata.

Drugo, radi se o jednoj specifičnoj vrsti raka (kolorektalni kancer) sa istim uzrokom: nemogućnošću popravke grašaka pri replikaciji ćelija; dakle, svih 12 učesnika eksperimenta je lečeno od II i III stadijuma tzv. dMMR kolerektalnog kancera. Ta vrsta raka čini 5-10% ukupnog broja slučajeva raka debelog creva.
(DMMR je skraćenica koja znači da se radi o raku do kojeg dolazi kada ćelija nije u stanju da popravi greške do kojih dolazi tokom deobe. Normalne ćelije imaju sistem koji prepoznaje i popravlje greške kada se DNK kopira. Kada se taj mehanizam poremeti, dolazi do "nemogućnost popravke pogrešno sparenih nukleotida (dMMR)" što izaziva određenu vrstu malignih oboljenja, koja se tako i klasifikuju.)

Pa ipak, rezultati primene dostarlimaba, leka na bazi monoklonog antitela, zaista ohrabruju. Monoklona antitela (lekovi koji se završavaju sa -mab, "monoclonal antibody") su nova klasa lekova koja otvara nove, izuzetne mogućnosti u lečenju raznih bolesti. Oni predstavljaju jednu vrstu proteina koji se kreira u laboratoriji i koji može da se veže za određene ciljeve u organizmu, kao što su npr. antigeni na površini malignih ćelija. Postoji mnogo vrsta monoklonih antitela, a svako je načinjeno tako da može da se veže za samo jedan antigen.


https://www.dailywire.com/news/unprecedented-remarkable-cancer-study-leaves-every-patient-cancer-free, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/06/220605130358.html, www.nytimes.com/2022/06/05/health/rectal-cancer-checkpoint-inhibitor.html
Originalni članak:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Није најчешћи, али за рак панкреаса кажу да је једна од најопаснијих малигних болести. Стручњаци...


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  • 1 month later...

Мој отац је пре 15 год. умро од рака панкреаса, са дијагнозом живио годину дана, оперисао га др Божина Радевић у Подгорици.

Тада му је Јоаникије држао посмртни говор, дружили су се..,

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пре 17 минута, Božena рече

Мој отац је пре 15 год. умро од рака панкреаса, са дијагнозом живио годину дана, оперисао га др Божина Радевић у Подгорици.

Тада му је Јоаникије држао посмртни говор, дружили су се..,

Bog da mu dušu prosti. 


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  • 3 months later...

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Можете одговорити сада, а касније да се региструјете на Поуке.орг Ако имате налог, пријавите се сада да бисте објавили на свом налогу.

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