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Srbija ima zaraženih kao Belorusija, gde koronu leče votkom

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Srbija se našla među 14 zemalja sveta sa najstoržim merama za suzbijanje koronavirusa, prema procenama Oksforda. Ipak, na mapi država sa najviše zaraženih u Istočnoj Evropi, deli isto mesto, rame uz rame, sa Belorusijom, u kojoj koronu "leče" votkom i ne preduzimaju apsolutno nikakve mere zaštite od virusa.

Na ovoj mapi, zemlje Zapadne Evrope crvene se kao žar što znači da je broj zaraženih koronavirusom, kao i nivo smrtnosti veoma visok i zabrinjavajuć, da je čak preko 2.500 zaraženih na milion stanovnika. Međutim, države Istočne Evrope obojene su daleko svetlijim nijansama žute ili narandžaste, što ukazuje da imaju 500 ili najviše 1.000 zaraženih na milion stanovnika.

S obzirom na drakonske mere koje su do nedavno bile na snazi u Srbiji, trebalo bi da smo i mi zemlja obojena u žuto-narandžastu nijansu, odnosno da smo ušuškani među državama sa nižom stopom novoobolelih i umrlih.

Ipak, nije tako. Crvena mrlja istoka Evrope, pokrila je samo Belorusiju, Estoniju, Moldaviju i – Srbiju! To znači da ove zemlje imaju od 1.000 do 2.500 zaraženih na milion stanovnika.


Kako pored vanredog stanja, policijskog časa, zabrane izlaska za starije od 65 godina, dovoljnog broja respiratora, maski, rukavica, improvizovanih bolnica, socijalnog distanciranja i ažurnog testiranja, kako tvrdi struka i vlast, imamo isti broj zaraženih kao zemlja u kojoj se korona “leči” votkom.  

Dok se predsednik Aleksandar Vučić u početku smejao koroni, broj zaraženih se očigledno gomilao. Onda se i on uozbiljio, pa zaveo stroge mere kojima nas je sve zaključao u naše domove i stavio veto na šetnje. Brine to što, predsednik zemlje, koja danas deli istu boju na mapi zaraženih kao Srbija, Aleksandar Lukašenko, prvi čovek Belorusije, poručuje svojim građanima na početku pandemije:

“Ne treba nam strog karantin jer u ovoj zemlji niko neće umreti od korona virusa!”

Pa je još i dodao: “Javno objavljujem da niko neće umreti u Belorusiji. Našli smo kombinaciju lekova koja će sačuvati živote”, rekao je Lukašenko.

Međutim, do danas je od koronavirusa u Belorusiji umrlo preko 100 ljudi, a potvrđeno je preko šest hiljada slučajeva. Predsednik Lukašenko je odbacio tvrdnje da su oni umrli od virusa Covid-19, već je naveo druge hronične bolesti, kao što su bolesti srca i dijabetes.


Votka pomaže u borbi sa koronom

“Tvrdim da nijedna osoba nije umrla od korona virusa”, rekao je on, savetujući ljude da piju votku kako bi se borili protiv bolesti.

Lukašenka su više brinule ekonomske posledice nego korona virus. A dok su građani Srbije tople prolećne dane dočekali zatvoreni u kućama pod ključem, u Belorusiji se život normalno odvijao, čak su se igrali i fudbalski mečevi, granice su otvorene, ljudi odlaze na posao i nije bilo panične kupovine toalet papira, jer Lukašenko odbacuje pandemiju kao ‘psihozu’.

Belorusija se čak sprema i za proslavu Dana pobede nad nacistima u Drugom svetskom ratu, koju planira da održi na ulicama Minska 9. maja.



Epidemiolog: Teško je praviti poređenja

Na ova poređenja zemalja i njihove borbe sa koronom, reagovao je epidemiolog dr Zoran Radovanović, koji za Nova.rs kaže da nije realno, a ni lako, porediti stopu zaraženosti u zemljama, pa ni stopu smrtnosti.

“Pitanje je koliko ljudi je u Belorusiji testirano, to nikako ne možemo tačno da znamo. Činjenica je da mi imamo najviše obolelih u odnosu na 12 zemalja regiona. Profesorka Markotić je čak rekla da je region dobro prošao, “svi osim Srbije”, imajući u vidu broj umrlih kod nas. Mi smo kasno počeli da testiramo građane i nismo mogli da otkrivamo obolele na vreme. Politika, koju je predlagala SZO i mere koje su sprovedne u zemljama koje su najbolje prošle sa koronom kod nas nije mogla da se primeni. Naglasak je bio na traganju za obolelima, stavljanju u karantin, na kontaktima i njjhovoj izolaciji. Mi nismo uspeli da detektujemo obolele na vreme, pa smo izolovali čitavu jednu generaciju”, kaže dr Radovanović.

Broj umrlih je, smatra on, kod nas čak manji nego što bi se očekivalo.

“Prosek godina umrlih je 67, a na Zapadu je 50 odsto preminulih iz staračkih domova, i imali su svi preko 80 godina. Ne bih tako lako upoređivao Srbiju sa Belorusijom, kad je u pitanju zaraženost i smrtnost. Čak su i Belgijanci rekli da su mnogi umrli od korone, a da to nije dokumentovano. Ako je jedna osoba umrla od korone, i svi durgi u njenoj okolini su posle smrti proglašeni žrtvama kovida-19, iako im nije rađen test. Kod nas je bilo obrnuto. Neki koji su i umrli od od korone, rečeno je da su preminuli od infarkta ili šloga. Tako da su brojke u slučaju epidemija uvek vrlo relativne i svako poređenje je rizično, čak nezahvalno” objašnjava dr Radovanović.



Srbija se našla na mapi država sa najviše zaraženih u Istočnoj Evropi, deli isto mesto, rame uz rame, sa Belorusijom, u kojoj koronu "leče" votkom.


Радуј се, Нектарије, велики Архијереју Божји!

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Bjelorusija sigurno ima isto kao i Srbija...21000 je isto kao 9000. 

A i isti su im trendovi, i u Bjelorusiji i Srbiji pad broj zaraženih



Eto pottuno isto. 

Српски менталитет карактеришу изненадни подвизи кратког даха, понесеност која прво улије наду, али капитулира у завршници, све се то после правда вишом силом и некаквом планетарном неправдом што само на нас вреба.

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Postoje mnogobrojne tvrdnje i svedočenja da se kriju prave razmere epidemije i stvaran broj preminulih u Belorusiji 


Kruchinin in his May 6 broadcast reported from a cemetery showing many new graves, and spoke to local residents who said their family members had died with coronavirus symptoms but were not listed as confirmed deaths from the pandemic.


April 20, 21, 22 ... We are shown that all these burials on the edge of the cemetery appeared in just a few days. The stories of the dead are similar: severe pneumonia, ventilator, death. Elena's mother Zenovko Yadviga Parkhimovich died on April 22. And although, according to the woman, the coronavirus was confirmed, another reason was indicated in the death certificate.

“I was under mechanical ventilation for two weeks, so I never came to my senses. They buried in a closed coffin, we wrote in the certificate - heart failure, ”says Elena Zenkovko.



“I am sure we are not hearing and will not be seeing credible statistics on the scope of the pandemic from the health ministry," he added. "Especially on the death toll.”

The doctor referred to the comments of Belarus' deputy health minister, Elena Bogdan, who said in a briefing on 9 April that if a patient with coronavirus and a record of chronic illnesses dies, the cause of death should be attributed to the latter, as the virus in the body has been “eliminated” during treatment.

“The approach is preposterous and in stark contrast with the rest of the world,” Loban insisted.


Even if Dr. Loban is a bit afraid of potential retaliations as he criticises the authoritarian regime of Alexander Lukashenko, he decided to speak up "to be able to look himself in the mirror".

Others doctors have been vocal on social media too including on the lack of medical protective equipment. One of them, Nataliya Larionova was summoned to the prosecutor's office two days after she had denounced the official statistics as "mythical" on Vk.com.


The official numbers are nonetheless not reflecting the reality warns Dr. Loban: "A few days ago the number of people infected by the coronavirus started to seem reasonable. I presume it has to do with the WHO [World Health Organisation] delegation visiting Belarus. But the death toll is diminished.

I know from my colleagues that under pressure a certain number of deaths are requalified in pneumonia even when Covid19 tests are positive".



The situation is catastrophic. The actual figures would be five or even ten times higher than what is presented to people. The information comes directly from doctors, many appear on social networks.


Doctors have already been telling independent media that the authorities are preventing medical workers from writing Covid-19 diagnosis in reports to improve the country’s statistics.

That’s why the number of ‘pneumonia’ cases is expected to grow enormously in the near future.


Instead of COVID-19, Belarus has put down to pneumonia many deaths that seemed at least connected to the coronavirus.

On the death certificate for Vasil Lipinin, pneumonia is also listed as well, his son said.

"I took the body from Minsk and talked to the pathologist who issued the death certificate. It clearly states: coronavirus and double pneumonia," Lipilin said.


some experts say that many coronavirus-related fatalities are registered as cases of pneumonia.


As the Belarusian government continues to be in denial over COVID-19, a well-known actor has died in the city of Vitsebsk. Viktar Dashkevich had tested positive for the coronavirus, but the death certificate only mentions pneumonia. Meanwhile, hospitals in the city are filling up with what authorities say are other pneumonia cases.

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Dok spremaju vojnu paradu, članove MUP kosi korona: Belorusija i dalje ne priznaje da ima problem


Uprkos tome što je obolelo više od 18.000 ljudi, beloruski predsednik ne želi da uvodi striktne mere u državi


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Белорусе треба одвратити од плана да присуствују Паради победе, нема никаквог херојства у томе, то је као пир у време куге, изјавио је водећи истраживач руског Центра за епидемиологију и микробиологију „Гамалеја“ Виктор Ларичев у интервјуу  за радио-станицу „Говори Москва“.



Белорусе треба одвратити од плана да присуствују Паради победе, нема никаквог херојства у томе, то је као пир у...


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Tema je politička, predsednik je rekao da Koronu ubija votka, to znači da je ubija votka. Nema dalje. Ne možemo mi znati da li su podaci tačni, kako sad verovati Lukašenko. 

Inače , u Belorusiji se služba državne bezbednosti i dalje zove KGB

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На многаја љета за председника Белорусије који је показао као треба да буде однос цркве и државе. 

Слава Богу на свему

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Ако је веровати званичној статистици, Белорусија, која има око 30% више становника од Србије, тренутно има:

- Дупло више укупно заражених од Србије

- Дупло више заражених на милион становника од Србије

- Дупло више критичних случајева

- Јуче су имали скоро 10 пута више новозаражених од нас

С друге стране, имају

- Скоро дупло мање умрлих од нас

- Скоро дупло мању смртност на милион становника од нас

- Урадили су дупло више тестова од нас

- До сада су одрадили скоро дупло више тестова на милион становника од нас

- Имају више него дупло опорављених од Србије

Плус ово што је Justin Waters поставио изнад, изгледа да код њих крива још увек иде на горе (личи да је 'заравњена', што је добар знак), тако да ћемо видети како ће се ствари развијати.

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We do not know the exact number of health workers infected and deceased in Belarus, but it can be argued that there are thousands of them today. The Ministry of Health called the number 419 on April 17, and has been cowardly silent ever since. The number of people infected with the coronavirus in Belarus is growing exponentially, and probably today it has already reached hundreds of thousands.

We do not know all the names of the dead, because the authorities hide this information, intimidating the relatives and colleagues of the dead. Still, some names and stories of Belarusian nurses have become known, and I want to recall them.

Sviatlana Kisialyova was only 47 years old, she worked as a nurse at the Vitsebsk City Clinical Hospital #1. The hospital has been redesigned since mid-March to receive patients with acute respiratory viral infections. At that time, doctors were not given protective means. Only 15 grams of alcohol per day for hand disinfection. She died on April 3.

Natallia Shmatko was 56 years old, she worked as a nurse at the Minsk ambulance for 38 years. After her last shift on April 10, she began to cough, the temperature rose, and the coronavirus was detected. The woman died on April 20, and was buried in a closed coffin.

41-year-old Nadzeya Famina worked as a nurse at the Vitsebsk Regional Clinical Hospital. The woman got infected with the coronavirus at work, she died on April 16.

45-year-old Halina Navichkova, an ambulance nurse, became the first healthcare provider to die of the coronavirus in Buda-Kashaliova. Her colleagues believe that she picked up the infection in the hospital. The woman died on April 20.

Aksana Radkevich, 45, a nurse from Dokshytsy, worked at one of the epicenters of the coronavirus in Belarus. In the town of Dokshytsy with 7 thousand inhabitants, the entire hospital was redesigned to receive patients with pneumonia and coronavirus. She died on April 21.

Please note that most of the nurses whose names are known died after April 17 - when the Ministry of Health gave the latest statistics on infected health workers.

How many names have remained unknown? How many were buried in closed coffins or burned in crematoria?

Hiding statistics, the authorities simultaneously continue creating all conditions so that the number of deaths grows: they find money on parades, palaces, residences, maybachs and planes, but not on people and hospitals. Here's what doctors say about their work at the time of an epidemic:

“They gave overalls of size 56, but I need 7-8 orders of magnitude less. Respirators are impossible to get. As far as we know, there are respirators but they don’t give them out. We buy glasses ourselves, those designed for builders. Shoe covers, too. And the sleeves, for example, were made for me by my mother,” says a nurse at the Luninets district hospital.

“In the hospital, people die every day of the coronavirus - 15-17 people in average. Doctors work hard, nurses cry at night. I heard a conversation that if in the near future the increase of the number of patients continues, then patients with the coronavirus will be sorted into those who are younger and thus can be saved, and those who are doomed. There will not be enough lungs ventilation devices for everyone,” writes a doctor from Svetlahorsk.

“Yesterday my doctor, three nurses and one attendant fell ill with the coronavirus. Everyone understands that this is COVID-19. The nurses have received payrolls today - they are sitting there crying, as they spend days at work, running around in protective suits, give us injections, droppers, but they haven’t been paid a dime,” says a patient of the Niasvizh Central District Hospital.

“I work as a nurse in the Minsk Regional Tuberculosis Dispensary. We have a lot of patients with COVID-19, who lie next to the “clean” patients. On Saturday, a nurse from my department was hospitalized in the Salihorsk Central District Hospital. She had a fever of about 40 since Friday. Today at 12.30 the nurse died. Smears for COVID-19 were taken on Saturday upon admission, and there have been no results (it seems unlikely they will state coronavirus in the death certificate, even if the results come back positive). She was 45. This is just horrible.I really want people to know and realize what really is going on, and how a person can literally burn to death in a couple of days due to the negligence of the state leadership. Everyone appreciates only doctors, no one thinks of nurses and attendants,” says the letter of a Belarusian nurse who works with patients infected with the coronavirus.



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