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Episkop Irinej Dobrijević u depešama Vikiliksa

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пре 10 часа, Grizzly Adams рече

Служимо народу! Драго ми је да сам од користи за твој мали пропагандни домаћи задатак.

Мене је Ђилас задужио да водим негативну кампању да би везао Синодалце за Вучића, како би владика Григорије могао да тријумфује након Вучићевог пада и постане патријарх.


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A Đurovića je angažovao Amfilohije kako bi ovaj štitio Maksima i kompaniju i otkrivao njihove poteze i veze.

Наука верујућих каже:

Апсолутан је само Бог

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пре 11 минута, Жељко рече

Мене је Ђилас задужио да водим негативну кампању да би везао Синодалце за Вучића, како би владика Григорије могао да тријумфује након Вучићевог пада и постане патријарх.



пре 11 минута, Жељко рече

Мене је Ђилас задужио да водим негативну кампању да би везао Синодалце за Вучића, како би владика Григорије могао да тријумфује након Вучићевог пада и постане патријарх.



пре 5 минута, Milan Nikolic рече

A Đurovića je angažovao Amfilohije kako bi ovaj štitio Maksima i kompaniju i otkrivao njihove poteze i veze.

Мене је посло Шеф да вас све полупам.И не шалим се !

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@Grizzly Adams

Zašto ne priznaš da si sin Metju Palmera: :D


Наука верујућих каже:

Апсолутан је само Бог

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,,Јер Отац не суди никоме, него сав суд даде Сину, да сви поштују Сина  као што  поштују 

Оца!"   Јеванђеље, Јн 5:23

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Пошто сам ја лични изасланик милетпаше из Стамбола на Босфору... (што се види из фотке коју користим + јузернејм), има да добијете такву анатему од Барта (слава му и милост!)... осим ако се не договоримо... мислим... Фанар rules forever and ever!


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RE-SHARING my comment on the page "Serbs in Australia" regarding the controversies surrounding Serbian Orthodox Church Bishop "Irinej" (AKA Mirko Dobrijević) of Ohio, USA... a man followed by scandal in Australia, the USA and Serbia... "This scandal is spreading. The church I used to attend whenever I was in NYC suspiciously burned to the ground. Irinej sent the resident priest away to a different parish. There has since been a church civil war, as there had been in Australia, splitting the members via a campaign of divide and conquer, leaving a handful of barely 25 Serbs regularly attending services in the basement of a Greek Church. (Out of some 5000+ Serbs in New York). The new bishop Irinej (ex of Australia) replaced the church board with hand-picked minions. He kicked people out of management and leadership roles, mirroring his mass excommunications in Australia. (EXCOMMUNICATIONS? Yes, of founding lifelong Australian church members... inconceivable but true.) In America, after extricating himself from the Australian mess, Irinej (AKA Mirko Dobrijevic of Ohia, USA) bought a million-dollar mansion for his residence when the church was in desperate need of funds to rebuild. Once again, as he had done in Australia, he runs a private company on which he sits as a director. These events would be too incredible to believe were they not reconfirmed multiple times by those involved in each case – if I were a psychiatrist I would suspect a personality disorder (if these acts are voluntary) – or external direction as if he works on behalf of enemies of our church and nation. The damage to the Australian Serbs exceeded multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars, the costs in New York are reaching millions. ...And the rumors about his "colorful" personal life abound... as a journalist, I can't help but to state that I have now been contacted by three independent sources who have no connection to each other, from three different continents, making allegations of physical acts, violations of vows, and even acts against our collective defense of our nation's Kosovo heartland. Of course, any person is free to act and do as they wish in their own personal life, but they cannot claim to be adhering to the strict rules of the priesthood, or even worse, the status of bishop, at the same time. The time of reckoning has come... Western intel and other agents have taken over and subverted much of what was once Serbia... we need to draw the line and hold them off here... Dobrijevic appears to be but one of their flag bearers, but he is perhaps most visible and most vulnerable through his own misdeeds and miscalculations. Overconfidence and a false sense of invulnerability (gained through continuous contact with the US embassy and intel in Belgrade – search wikileaks under his name) are now seeming close to bringing him down. Those who have any first-hand evidence or personal testimony have a historic chance today to help save our church and to protect its holy role in the preservation of our national identity. Do not miss this invitation to serve our nation and our God."


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Evo malo veća rezolucija....

3 maj 1999, u Vašingtonu....bombe padaju na Srbiju, a Dobrijević sjedi sa egzekutorima na sastanku na kome Dzesi Dzekson podnosi izvještaj o uspjšenom posredovanju u oslobađanju 3 američka agresorska službenika. 

Šta je on radio na ovom sastanku? Doprinosio Srbiji, Crkvi, radio protiv njih...?

Zašto je na ovim starijim slikama obučen kao katolički pop? 

Српски менталитет карактеришу изненадни подвизи кратког даха, понесеност која прво улије наду, али капитулира у завршници, све се то после правда вишом силом и некаквом планетарном неправдом што само на нас вреба.

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пре 2 часа, Justin Waters рече

Šta je on radio na ovom sastanku? Doprinosio Srbiji, Crkvi, radio protiv njih...?

Orthodox Christian faithful across North America were especially gratified to see a number of Orthodox leaders accompany the Rev. Jesse Jackson to Belgrade, Yugoslavia during the last week of April.

The Very Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky, Ecumenical Officer for the Orthodox Church in America, was among the Orthodox clerics who, together with the Rev. Jackson and Dr Joan Brown Campbell, General Secretary of the New York-based National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA [NCCCUSA], won the release of three US soldiers - Staff Sgt. Andrew Ramirez, Staff Sgt. Christopher Stone, and Specialist Steven Gonzales - from Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. His Grace, Bishop Mitrophan of the Serbian Orthodox Church of the US and Canada; His Grace, Dimitrios (Couchell) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; and the Rev. Irenej Dobrijevic, a Serbian Orthodox priest from Cleveland, OH, also formed part of the delegation of religious leaders intent on emphasizing the important role the religious community should play in ending the Balkan conflict. Other members of the delegation represented the Roman Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and Jewish communities.


Spes mihi prima Deus.

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пре 31 минута, Н И Н Е рече

Orthodox Christian faithful across North America were especially gratified to see a number of Orthodox leaders accompany the Rev. Jesse Jackson to Belgrade, Yugoslavia during the last week of April.

The Very Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky, Ecumenical Officer for the Orthodox Church in America, was among the Orthodox clerics who, together with the Rev. Jackson and Dr Joan Brown Campbell, General Secretary of the New York-based National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA [NCCCUSA], won the release of three US soldiers - Staff Sgt. Andrew Ramirez, Staff Sgt. Christopher Stone, and Specialist Steven Gonzales - from Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. His Grace, Bishop Mitrophan of the Serbian Orthodox Church of the US and Canada; His Grace, Dimitrios (Couchell) of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; and the Rev. Irenej Dobrijevic, a Serbian Orthodox priest from Cleveland, OH, also formed part of the delegation of religious leaders intent on emphasizing the important role the religious community should play in ending the Balkan conflict. Other members of the delegation represented the Roman Catholic, Protestant, Muslim and Jewish communities.


Nisam pitao za sastanak u Beogradu, nego za sastanak u Vasingtonu, sa onim žrecem Klintonom, i baba vjesticom Olbrajt. 

I dalje stoji moje pitanje zašto je obučen kao katolički sveštenik. 


Српски менталитет карактеришу изненадни подвизи кратког даха, понесеност која прво улије наду, али капитулира у завршници, све се то после правда вишом силом и некаквом планетарном неправдом што само на нас вреба.

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пре 7 минута, Justin Waters рече

i baba vjesticom Olbrajt

Јој како онда рекоше индексовци: пола баба пола деда, сукњу носи ради реда...

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