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Sve sto se hteli da znate o Rimokatolicizmu, papstvu itd. (slobodna tema za raspravljanje do mile volje za Zayrona, Isusovo magare i ostale)

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пре 50 минута, Ведран* рече

Маштање јесте "забрањено" али не и созерцање, илити контемплација. 

Али та ваша круница је доста слична "Богородичином правилу" преп Серафима Саровског. С тм што је оно дуже (150 Богородице дјево, илити Здраво Маријо).

Onda je to Ružarij..

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пре 45 минута, Isusovo magare рече

No,zanima me što je smiješno??

Нике смешно него симпатично.

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"Упути ме на истину Твоју, и научи ме, јер си Ти Бог Спас мој" (Пс. 24.5)



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Ич вам не контам круницу.

Имате вежбу:

Господе, Исусе Христе Сине Божији, помилуј ме. ( пута 50 уз малу метанију)

Радуј се, Нектарије, велики Архијереју Божји!

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пре 13 минута, Isusovo magare рече

Mislila sam da ćeš komentirati Presveto Trojstvo na križu...

Zašto vi na brojanici nemate križ??

Може да има, а не мора.

Радуј се, Нектарије, велики Архијереју Божји!

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пре 17 часа, Isusovo magare рече

Mislila sam da ćeš komentirati Presveto Trojstvo na križu...

Zašto vi na brojanici nemate križ??

Ima ih raznih, ovdje se zovu čotki (kod pravoslavnih i grkokatolika u Češkoj i Slovačkoj) ali izgleda da nisu ni jedan bez križa, krsta, neki imaju samo naznak križa s 5 kuglica, valjda je to običaj iz turskog doba kad se nije smjelo razmahivati nikakvim krstovima, križevima i sličnim stvarima, devocionalijama i simbolima javno po ulici.



Ukrajinska krunica (vervica) - mole ju ukrajinski grkokatolički svećenici http://pamjat.net.ua/vervitsa/za_zdorovja

Slovačka grupa Peter Milenky & Band

Slovački benediktinski monah objašnjava šta je Isusova molitva

Krunica Božjeg Milosrdja (s. Faustina)

The Pope with a Chotki


This striking photograph from WYD shows Pope Francis clearly wearing a chotki around his wrist—something I can’t recall seeing with any other pope.

What’a chotki?  It’s a kind of “prayer rope,” similar to the rosary, used by the Orthodox and Eastern rite Catholics.


Among other things, I think this shows the pontiff’s affinity for the Eastern rite churches. He used to regularly concelebrate the Divine Liturgy with Ukrainian Greek Catholics and this year took the historic step of having the Ecumenical Patriarch attend his papal installation—the first time that’s been done in a thousand years.

When praying, the user normally holds the prayer rope in the left hand, leaving the right hand free to make the Sign of the Cross. When not in use, the prayer rope is traditionally wrapped around the left wrist so that it continues to remind one to pray without ceasing. If this is impractical, it may be placed in the (left) pocket, but should not be hung around the neck or suspended from the belt. The reason for this is humility: one should not be ostentatious or conspicuous in displaying the prayer rope for others to see.

During their tonsure (religious profession),[4]Eastern Orthodox monks and nuns receive a prayer rope, with the words:

Accept, O brother (sister) (name), the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:17) in the everlasting Jesus prayer by which you should have the name of the Lord in your soul, your thoughts, and your heart, saying always: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.”

Orthodoxy regards the prayer rope as the sword of the Spirit, because prayer which is heartfelt and inspired by the grace of the Holy Spirit is a weapon that defeats the Devil.

Among some Orthodox monastics (and occasionally other faithful), the canonical hours and preparation for Holy Communion may be replaced by praying the Jesus Prayer a specified number of times dependent on the service being replaced. In this way prayers can still be said even if the service books are for some reason unavailable or the person is not literate or otherwise unable to recite the service; the prayer rope becomes a very practical tool in such cases, simply for keeping count of the prayers said. However, among some monastics - hesychasts, for example – this replacement is the norm.

The history of the prayer rope goes back to the origins of Christian monasticism itself. When monks began going into the deserts of Egypt, it was their custom to pray the entire 150 Psalms every day. However, because some of the monks were unable to read, they would either have to memorize the psalms or perform other prayers and prostrations in their stead. Thus the tradition of saying 150 (or more) Jesus Prayers every day began.

The western Rosary is sometimes said to have the same initial origin.

The invention of the prayer rope is attributed to Saint Pachomius in the fourth century as an aid for illiterate monks to accomplish a consistent number of prayers and prostrations in their cells. Previously, monks would count their prayers by casting pebbles into a bowl, but this was cumbersome, and could not be easily carried about when outside the cell. The use of the rope made it possible to pray the Jesus Prayer unceasingly, whether inside the cell or out, in accordance with Saint Paul‘s injunction to “Pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17).

It is said that the method of tying the prayer rope had its origins from the Father of Orthodox MonasticismSaint Anthony the Great. He started by tying a leather rope with a simple knot for every time he prayed Kyrie Eleison (“Lord have Mercy”), but the Devil would come and untie the knots to throw off his count. He then devised a way—inspired by a vision he had of the Theotokos—of tying the knots so that the knots themselves would constantly make the sign of the cross. This is why prayer ropes today are still tied using knots that each contain seven little crosses being tied over and over. The Devil could not untie it because the Devil is vanquished by the Sign of the Cross.


Cardinal Bergoglio (Future Pope Francis) in Byzantine Vestments

Cardinal Bergoglio (future Pope Francis) in the vestments of a Byzantine Rite bishop in the Ukrainian Rite Cathedral of the Protection of the Mother of God in Buenos Aires. His vestments are an odd mix-match as he is wearing the mantle (used in choir dress), but also the stihar and zone (used at the Divine Liturgy).






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,,Јер Отац не суди никоме, него сав суд даде Сину, да сви поштују Сина  као што  поштују 

Оца!"   Јеванђеље, Јн 5:23

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Да ли сте знали да је папа Борџија додао  део у Здраво Маријо (Богородице Дјево) - моли за нас сада и у часу смрти ?


,,Јер Отац не суди никоме, него сав суд даде Сину, да сви поштују Сина  као што  поштују 

Оца!"   Јеванђеље, Јн 5:23

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пре 45 минута, Благовесник рече

Да ли сте знали да је папа Борџија додао  део у Здраво Маријо (Богородице Дјево) - моли за нас сада и у часу смрти ?


Nije to tačno, napišem o tom poslije, sad sam zauzet.


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пре 2 часа, Isusovo magare рече

Zašto vi na brojanici nemate križ??

Зато што имамо крст. :))

Како нема? Па видела си моју бројаницу да има. 

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"Упути ме на истину Твоју, и научи ме, јер си Ти Бог Спас мој" (Пс. 24.5)



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