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Председник Америке, Доналд Џ Трамп

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>> ... Napadač počeo pucati u restoranu u Oklahomi pa ga ubili naoružani prolaznici

Napadac je otvorio vatru u restoranu u Oklahomi i upucao troje ljudi, ali zaustavila su ga dvojica naoružanih prolaznika koji su ga upucali i ubili ispred restorana.

Alexander Tilgham je jučer ušetao u Louie's Grill & Bar u Oklahoma Cityju, Oklahoma, oko 18:30 po lokalnom vremenu i upucao troje ljudi: majku Natalie Giles (39), njenu 12-godišnju kćer i još jedno dijete. Srećom, sve troje je preživjelo.

Dvojica prolaznika ispred restorana upucali napadača
A još veća sreća u nesreći je ta što su se ispred restorana našla dvojica naoružanih prolaznika koji su ga ubrzo ubili. "Prolaznik s pištoljem suočio se s napadačem ispred restorana i nasmrt ga ustrijelio", objavila je policija Oklahome na Twitteru jučer navečer.

No policija je jutros objavila nove vijesti prema kojima su ustvari dvojica naoružanih muškaraca, Juan Carlos Nazario (35) i Bryan Wittle (39), ubili napadača. "Samo sam učinio ono što je bilo potrebno da zaustavim prijetnju. Ništa posebno. Mnogo ljudi učinilo bi isto u takvoj situaciji", rekao je Wittle za USA Today.

Policija kaže da je istraga u tijeku i da motiv napadača još nije poznat, ali da su dvojica napružanih prolaznika potencijano spriječili smrtonosni napad na restoran. Tilghman nije poznavao nikoga u restoranu niti je ikad radio tamo, zbog čega policija vjeruje da se radilo o nasumičnoj pucnjavi, prenosi USA Today

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пре 1 сат, Ronald рече

Napadac je otvorio vatru u restoranu u Oklahomi i upucao troje ljudi, ali zaustavila su ga dvojica naoružanih prolaznika koji su ga upucali i ubili ispred restorana.

Alexander Tilgham je jučer ušetao u Louie's Grill & Bar u Oklahoma Cityju, Oklahoma, oko 18:30 po lokalnom vremenu i upucao troje ljudi: majku Natalie Giles (39), njenu 12-godišnju kćer i još jedno dijete. Srećom, sve troje je preživjelo.

Dvojica prolaznika ispred restorana upucali napadača
A još veća sreća u nesreći je ta što su se ispred restorana našla dvojica naoružanih prolaznika koji su ga ubrzo ubili. "Prolaznik s pištoljem suočio se s napadačem ispred restorana i nasmrt ga ustrijelio", objavila je policija Oklahome na Twitteru jučer navečer.

No policija je jutros objavila nove vijesti prema kojima su ustvari dvojica naoružanih muškaraca, Juan Carlos Nazario (35) i Bryan Wittle (39), ubili napadača. "Samo sam učinio ono što je bilo potrebno da zaustavim prijetnju. Ništa posebno. Mnogo ljudi učinilo bi isto u takvoj situaciji", rekao je Wittle za USA Today.

Policija kaže da je istraga u tijeku i da motiv napadača još nije poznat, ali da su dvojica napružanih prolaznika potencijano spriječili smrtonosni napad na restoran. Tilghman nije poznavao nikoga u restoranu niti je ikad radio tamo, zbog čega policija vjeruje da se radilo o nasumičnoj pucnjavi, prenosi USA Today


Српски менталитет карактеришу изненадни подвизи кратког даха, понесеност која прво улије наду, али капитулира у завршници, све се то после правда вишом силом и некаквом планетарном неправдом што само на нас вреба.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Доналд Трамп је након потписивања документа рекао да са Ким Џонг Уном има "специјалну везу". "Била ми је част да будем с тобом", рекао је председник САД лидеру Северне Кореје. :D


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Why Trump is digging in on separating families at the border

Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN

Updated 1323 GMT (2123 HKT) June 19, 2018

(CNN)Logic suggests that the White House, under crushing political pressure, would be forced to back down on its hardline immigration policy amid outrage over searing depictions of kids separated from their parents at the southern border.

But while the swirling political crisis over the "zero tolerance" approach to undocumented migrants might convince a conventional White House to seek a way out, this administration is so far digging in. It is sticking to a strategy of falsely blaming Democrats and past administrations for a practice that it decided to adopt and could change anytime it wanted to.

"The United States will not be a migrant camp and it will not be a refugee holding facility," President Donald Trump declared on Monday.

A climbdown on this issue would represent more than a huge embarrassment for the President. It would undermine his political image and philosophy and require him to admit he's wrong and to temper instincts that force him to counterattack.

He would risk alienating base voters who prize his strongman image on one issue above all -- immigration -- and are more inclined to believe that people who cross the border illegally get what they deserve than to react with compassion to reports by media outlets they disdain.

Among those reports Monday came one of the most haunting moments to come thus far in the immigration debate with the release of ProPublica audio recorded last week inside a US Customs and Border Protection detention facility, where children separated from their parents can be heard sobbing. At one point, a traumatized child can be heard calling for "Daddy."

Whether that could sway the President must be weighed against the certainty that a reversal would dilute the Trump mythology that underwrote his rise as a political figure. Giving in to criticism from all the living first ladies, or the United Nations, or Washington Republicans like Arizona's Sen. John McCain, would mean bending to the kind of internationalist, traditional establishment forces his entire political project was built to destroy.

Trump goes to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, where his congressional allies spent Monday trying to find some kind of legislative solution to the border crisis, though many Republicans -- even those who've supported the President in the past -- say Trump can end the family separation issue with a simple phone call.


Mercedes Schlapp, the White House director of strategic communications, offered potential White House flexibility Tuesday when she said that Trump was ready to discuss a standalone bill on ending the separations being authored by Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz.

"We are looking into the legislative text on the Cruz bill," she told reporters.

Life had been tough for administration officials forced, unlike Trump, to undergo questioning Monday and make policy arguments that could not match the emotional storm stirred by the separations.

"Separating parents from children is not a policy that we want to pursue. At the same time, letting children and parents come across the border ... illegally, is not a policy either," Marc Short, Trump's White House director of legislative affairs, said on CNN's "The Situation Room."

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders did nothing to dispel the notion that Trump is using the separations as leverage to force Democrats into caving on his plans to reshape the immigration system when she rejected the idea of standalone legislation on separations.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen tried and failed to quell the public relations disaster by flying back from New Orleans for the White House press briefing.

Nielsen blamed "loopholes" left open by Congress and previous administrations and doubled down on the administration's false contention that it has no option under the law but to funnel people who come across the border illegally into the criminal justice system -- a designation that forces authorities to separate children from their parents while they are in custody.

Nielsen's briefing was more tempered than previous administration efforts to explain the situation, but the fact that she, and the President, are trying to blame it on Democrats showed that even they don't want to own the consequences.

And at times, Nielsen seemed to lack sensitivity to the anger and empathy that have been triggered over a weekend of heart-rending news coverage and that prompted Colleen Kraft, president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, to describe the separations on CNN as "government-sanctioned child abuse."

Nielsen said conditions in facilities where separated children are kept are good, though she ignored the emotional and humanitarian needs of kids cut off from their parents.

"We give them meals and we give them education and we give them medical care. There are videos. There are TVs," Nielsen said.

'This has to stop'

The administration's defense on Monday failed to keep pace with the accelerating politics of the issue, as even some of its allies eyed a grim midterm election environment or made their own moral calls on the practice of separation.

"This has to stop," said Cruz, who is up for re-election in November.

"We should keep children with their parents. Kids need their moms. They need their dads," said Cruz, who is introducing a bill that will mandate that families are not separated.

Another Republican who often sides with Trump, South Carolina's Sen. Lindsey Graham, said, "Americans are pretty decent folks. They don't like illegal immigration, they want to do it right. But they're moved by the fact that families are being separated and we've got to find a better way."

In another sign of the subtle politics of the issue, Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin, who is on a tightrope in a re-election race in West Virginia, where Trump won overwhelmingly in 2016, criticized the President.

"That's the most inhumane enforcement I've ever seen in my life," said Manchin. "The American dream and hope of the world, where'd all that go?"

Trump's family separation policy has Republicans starting to panic about 2018

Still, Trump may believe he has political grounds to stick to his guns.

A new CNN poll Monday showed that while the President had a 59% disapproval rating on immigration, 58% of Republicans favored the new policy toward undocumented immigrant families on the southern border. And 81% of respondents who approve of Trump also give his immigration policy high marks.

Given that this is a presidency almost exclusively rooted in efforts to secure Trump's base, it might not be surprising if the President looks at such numbers and decides his own political interests -- as distinct from the wider Republican Party's -- augur no course correction.

Over dizzying months of busted conventions, political outrages and assaults on the normal protocol of the presidency, Trump has often confounded predictions that finally he would be forced to mitigate his approach inside America and toward the rest of the world.

It would be ironic if immigration, the issue that powered his rise to the White House, were also the one that forced him finally to moderate his political character. But no one should hold their breath.

CNN's Lauren Fox and Maeve O'Brien contributed to this article.



Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.


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пре 1 сат, Lady Godiva рече

Да ли је ово могуће? Има ли он неког економисту за саветника? 7896634


Pa u principu američki tajkuni mogu možda i da prođu dobro u ovom ekonomskom ratu... sirotinja i srednja klasa će svakako da nadrljaju... klasična Super-Hik preraspodela sredstava... to ti je model "isušivanja močvare" u kojem se ugoje aligatori... ;)

А роб твој и робиња твоја што ћеш имати нека буду од онијех народа који ће бити око вас, од њих купујте роба и робињу.

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пре 2 минута, Avocado рече

Pa u principu američki tajkuni mogu možda i da prođu dobro u ovom ekonomskom ratu... sirotinja i srednja klasa će svakako da nadrljaju... klasična Super-Hik preraspodela sredstava...

А што је најгоре, корист те мањине ће бити далеко мања него губици читавог друштва. Боље да им је искеширао из буџета, кретен.

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пре 26 минута, Avocado рече

Pa u principu američki tajkuni mogu možda i da prođu dobro u ovom ekonomskom ratu... sirotinja i srednja klasa će svakako da nadrljaju... klasična Super-Hik preraspodela sredstava... to ti je model "isušivanja močvare" u kojem se ugoje aligatori... ;)

Baš naprotiv srednja klasa i sirotinja će da dobiju posao u proizvodnji koji su globalisti poklonili kinezima je su radili za šaku pirinča,e sad će morati da zapošljavaju amerikance i da ih plaćaju malo skuplje.Kinezi su klasična neleojalna konkurencija.Tramp vrlo pametno gađa ekonomske mete.

Da je suprotno ne bi krupan kapital i mediji i sva ta neoliberlana klika stala iza one kilari....


Најдубља молитва јесте  молитва без икаквих речи када у тишини ума једноставно живимо у присуству Божијем. Архимандрит Сава Јањић

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пре 20 минута, Кратос рече

Baš naprotiv srednja klasa i sirotinja će da dobiju posao u proizvodnji koji su globalisti poklonili kinezima je su radili za šaku pirinča,e sad će morati da zapošljavaju amerikance i da ih plaćaju malo skuplje.

Neki će dobiti posao koji inače ne bi dobili i samim tim plate koje ne bi dobili... a skoro svi će da skuplje plaćaju određene proizvode... nije teško i bez neke ozbiljne kalkulacije zaključiti ogromnu nesrazmeru između prve i druge cifre... računaj da je druga cifra (veća cena usled carina) 25% na 50 milijardi i 10% na 200 milijardi dolara... to je 32,5 milijardi veće cene za proizvode koje potrošači kupuju i to mahom za proizvode koje kupuje sirotinja i srednja klasa... neka je prosečna zarada nakon poreza 40.000 dolara godišnje... jel stvarno misliš da će na osnovu ovih carina da se otvori novih 800.000 radnih mesta?  :D



А роб твој и робиња твоја што ћеш имати нека буду од онијех народа који ће бити око вас, од њих купујте роба и робињу.

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пре 2 минута, Avocado рече

Neki će dobiti posao koji inače ne bi dobili i samim tim plate koje ne bi dobili... a skoro svi će da skuplje plaćaju određene proizvode... nije teško i bez neke ozbiljne kalkulacije zaključiti ogromnu nesrazmeru između prve i druge cifre... računaj da je druga cifra (veća cena usled carina) 25% na 50 milijardi i 10% na 200 milijardi dolara... to je 32,5 milijardi veće cene za proizvode koje potrošači kupuju i to mahom za proizvode koje kupuje sirotinja i srednja klasa... neka je prosečna zarada nakon poreza 40.000 dolara godišnje... jel stvarno misliš da će na osnovu ovih carina da se otvori novih 800.000 radnih mesta?  :D



Ne nego će tih proizvoda biti znatno manje na američkom tržištu a više made in U.S.A. koje će proizvoditi američki radnici ili ti misliš da si pametniji od američkih radnika u proizvodnji koji su podržali Trampa valjda zato što pojma nisu imali kako im je dobro što si im fabrike pogašene?Na domaće proizvode se ne plaćaju nikakve carine....uostalom američka privreda se najviše razvijala pod protekcionizmom države....srž ekonomije je proizvodnja gotovih proizvoda a ne prodavanje magle.Uostalom Tramp pored toga želi da smanji expanziju Kine....

Најдубља молитва јесте  молитва без икаквих речи када у тишини ума једноставно живимо у присуству Божијем. Архимандрит Сава Јањић

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пре 43 минута, Кратос рече

Ne nego će tih proizvoda biti znatno manje na američkom tržištu a više made in U.S.A. koje će proizvoditi američki radnici

A bice ih manje jer ce inace skuplji USA proizvodi sada biti cenovno konkurentniji jer ce Kineski vestacki poskupeti. 

Ne znam kako zamisljas da ceh toga ne plate potrosaci.

Cak i oni USA proizvodjaci koji su bili cenovno konkurentni ce sad dici cene. Jer mogu. 


пре 43 минута, Кратос рече

ili ti misliš da si pametniji od američkih radnika u proizvodnji

Naravno da mislim. Nemoj da se vredjamo sa tako niskim kriterijumima.


пре 43 минута, Кратос рече

koji su podržali Trampa valjda zato što pojma nisu imali kako im je dobro što si im fabrike pogašene?

Iz istih zabluda koje i ti sad iznosis. 


пре 43 минута, Кратос рече

Na domaće proizvode se ne plaćaju nikakve carine....



пре 43 минута, Кратос рече

uostalom američka privreda se najviše razvijala pod protekcionizmom države....

Uprkos protekcionizmu.

A u vreme kada su svi furali protekcionizam bilo bi glupo da ti to ne furas. Podjednako glupo kao da udjes u carinski rat sa celim svetom dok svi medjusobno trguju.


пре 43 минута, Кратос рече

srž ekonomije je proizvodnja gotovih proizvoda a ne prodavanje magle.

Srz je da nesto pravis ili pruzas neku uslugu efikasnije od drugih.



пре 43 минута, Кратос рече

Uostalom Tramp pored toga želi da smanji expanziju Kine....

Sto bi bilo zanimljivo da istovremeno ne puca i sebi u koleno... tacnije svojim biracima.

А роб твој и робиња твоја што ћеш имати нека буду од онијех народа који ће бити око вас, од њих купујте роба и робињу.

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Užas : Amerika drogirala decu imigranata (VIDEO)

Deca imigranata, odvajana od roditelja, prisilno su dobijala širok spektar psihotropnih lekova koji utiču na metalne funkcije, navodi se u tužbi Centra za ljudska prava u Los Andjelesu

LOS ANDJELES – Deca su uzeta od roditelja imigranata i bila su smeštena u skloništima za mlade koje je osnovala američka vlada. Razlog davanja tih faktički droga je, kako je objašnjeno, da se lakše nose sa traumama nakon što ih američke vlasti zatvorile i odvojile od roditelja.

U tužbi koju je podneo Centar za ljudska prava u Los Anđelesu je navedeno da su deca držana u objektima poput Šiloh centra u Teksasu i „gotovo sigurno“ dobijala droge bez obzira na njihovo stanje i bez saglasnosti roditelja, prenosi Rojters.

„Ukoliko ste u Šiloh centru, gotovo je sigurno da ste na tim lekovima“, rekao je jedan od advokata Centra.

Tužba je zasnovana na svedočenju dece koja su navodila da su dobijala inekcije kada su odbijala da uzmu lek, ali i roditelja koji tvrde da nisu pitani za saglasnost da njihova deca uzimaju lekove za anksioznost.

Uzimanje različitih psihotropnih lekova u isto vreme može ozbiljno da naškodi deci, navodi se u tužbi i ističe potreba za nadzorom kako bi se sprečila upotreba lekova.

Podsetimo, anti-imigraciona politika američkog predsednika Donalda Trampa zbog koje je na hiljade dece ostalo zarobljeno u kampusima bez roditelja imigranata zabrinula je svet, ali i njegovu suprugu Melaniju Tramp koja je javno ustala protiv takve politike.

Slike uplakane dece iza rešetaka obišle su svet, a suočen sa sve većim kritikama i na domaćem terenu Tramp je konačno juče doneo odluku da se deca više ne odvajaju od roditelja.




Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.


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This 2-year-old has become the face of ‘zero tolerance’

Photographs by John Moore/Getty Images
Story by Madison Park and Kyle Almond, CNN

A 2-year-old Honduran child cries as her mother is searched by US Border Patrol agents on Tuesday, June 12.


  • The 2-year-old girl looks up at the adults around her with tears in her frightened eyes, her curls clinging to the side of her face and her mouth opened in a terrified cry.

The girl, who was with her mother and others, had rafted across the Rio Grande and were stopped in Texas by US Border Patrol agents last week.


Border Patrol agents detain a group of Central American immigrants at the US-Mexico border near McAllen, Texas.

Agents were searching people before they were taken into vans to be driven to a processing center. John Moore, a Getty photographer and Pulitzer Prize winner, took the picture after the toddler's mother set her down.

"One of the last people to get on the bus was the mother of this child and her daughter together," he told CNN's Ana Cabrera. "And when they went to body-search (the mother) against the vehicle, they asked her to put down her child. And right then, in that moment, the little girl broke into tears.

"It's not unusual for toddlers in any circumstance to have separation anxiety. But I think this particular situation with the separation of families leads and gives a new meaning to that phrase."


The Honduran girl and her mother are taken into custody.

The crying girl is quickly becoming the human face of President Donald Trump's new "zero-tolerance" immigration policy, which has resulted in separations of undocumented parents and kids.

Nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents over a period of about six weeks in April and May, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

The Trump administration has said it will refer everyone caught crossing the border illegally for prosecution, even if they are claiming to deserve asylum or have small children.


A group of Central American immigrants raft across the Rio Grande from Mexico. They were later detained by Border Patrol agents and sent to a processing center.

Moore didn't know what happened to the little girl and whether she was separated from her mother.

"The process of separation of families happens away from (camera) lenses," he said. "I was able to see about as close as one can get to what it really looks like."

A spokesman for US Customs and Border Protection later told CNN that the girl and her mother were not separated. Further details were unavailable.


The girl’s mother removes her daughter’s shoe laces, as required by Border Patrol agents.

Moore said he had been able to speak very briefly with the girl's mother. They had left Honduras and had been traveling for a month.

"A whole month is a very difficult journey for these folks — often very dangerous. And so by the time they had reached the US side, they'd probably been through a lot already," said Moore, a Getty Images photographer who has spent the past 10 years covering the immigration issue from both sides of the border.


A Border Patrol agent shines a spotlight near the border on June 12.


The spotlight hits a mother and her son near the border on June 12.

Moore photographed arrests last week near McAllen, Texas. It appeared that the people didn't know they could soon be separated from their children, he said. For families like the girl and her mother, they had been traveling for a month.

"I could tell they weren't up on the recent news," he said. "They'd been traveling in difficult conditions. But I knew what was going to happen next. And for me, to take these pictures — scenes that I'd seen before, but with the knowledge that these parents and their children would soon be in separate detention facilities — made it hard for me personally as a journalist, as a human being and especially as a father."


Immigrants wear shackles as they leave a US federal court in McAllen on Monday, June 11.


Central American families depart a processing center in McAllen on June 11. “The ‘zero-tolerance’ policy doesn’t seem to be uniform,” Moore said. “Some families are released and others not. It may depend on availability of detention space.”

The search of the mother only took a few seconds. Moore got down on his knees to get on the girl's level to take the photos.

"They were bundled into a van and driven off,” he said, “and so as I finished taking these photographs, I had to stop and take a few breaths. I was sort of overcome with emotion myself, but then it was over and they drove away."

The Trump administration’s new policy has come under fire from religious leaders, human-rights organizations and many US lawmakers, including Republicans. Former first lady Laura Bush called the separation of children “cruel” and “immoral” in an opinion piece in The Washington Post.


Children leave a processing center in McAllen on June 11. Any children that are separated from their parents are turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services for care.

Administration officials have defended the approach, saying that separations of immigrant families at the border are no different than what happens when anyone accused of a crime is arrested.

"Our policy is if you break the law, we will prosecute you," Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said. "You have an option to go to a port of entry and not illegally cross into our country."


Some immigrants take refuge at a Catholic Charities "respite center" after being released from custody.

Moore has covered many international news crises, including the Ebola epidemic and the Arab Spring, and in more recent years he has focused on the US-Mexico border.

He has traveled to Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala and accompanied immigrants at the start of their trip north. He has also had access to many federal agents and gone out with them during patrols.

The experiences are part of his recently published book “Undocumented: Immigration and the Militarization of the United States-Mexico Border.”

“These issues are often presented as black and white, and they're not at all,” he said. “There are many shades of gray.”


An immigrant leaves federal custody on June 11. She is carrying her belongings that were initially confiscated.

Over the past week, Moore has also photographed some immigrants in local “respite centers” where they can get shelter, food and clothing if they are released from custody. Other photos show immigrants in shackles.

But it’s the photo of the girl in pink that has circulated widely, landing on many front pages and social-media posts with scathing critiques of Trump's new policy.

"It's very, very difficult for most Americans to imagine that children and their parents are being separated in the way that they are," Moore said.



Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds.


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