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''Старајте се да имате љубав. Иштите свакодневно од Бога љубав. Заједно са љубављу долази сво богатство добара и врлина. Волите, да бисте били вољени од других.''
(Св.Нектарије Егински)

ЖИВА ДЕЛА УТЕХЕ - искрено се надам да ће ова акција пробудити оно најбоље у нама

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''Старајте се да имате љубав. Иштите свакодневно од Бога љубав. Заједно са љубављу долази сво богатство добара и врлина. Волите, да бисте били вољени од других.''
(Св.Нектарије Егински)

ЖИВА ДЕЛА УТЕХЕ - искрено се надам да ће ова акција пробудити оно најбоље у нама

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''Старајте се да имате љубав. Иштите свакодневно од Бога љубав. Заједно са љубављу долази сво богатство добара и врлина. Волите, да бисте били вољени од других.''
(Св.Нектарије Егински)

ЖИВА ДЕЛА УТЕХЕ - искрено се надам да ће ова акција пробудити оно најбоље у нама

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''Старајте се да имате љубав. Иштите свакодневно од Бога љубав. Заједно са љубављу долази сво богатство добара и врлина. Волите, да бисте били вољени од других.''
(Св.Нектарије Егински)

ЖИВА ДЕЛА УТЕХЕ - искрено се надам да ће ова акција пробудити оно најбоље у нама

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''Старајте се да имате љубав. Иштите свакодневно од Бога љубав. Заједно са љубављу долази сво богатство добара и врлина. Волите, да бисте били вољени од других.''
(Св.Нектарије Егински)

ЖИВА ДЕЛА УТЕХЕ - искрено се надам да ће ова акција пробудити оно најбоље у нама

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  • 4 months later...
пре 9 часа, Родољуб Лазић рече

Ако некога мрзи да све погледа, може од 52:00 до 1:11

Ево шта је један прави правцати новопаган (Гемистос Плетон) написао:

Those who commit acts against nature [παρὰ φύσιν μιαινομένους], for example, those who are convicted of the crime of man-penetration [ἀῤῥενομιξίᾳ] or bestiality [θηριομιξίᾳ], or of any of those things that are only found among the most corrupt people, these must be punished by fire, and one must at the same time burn the criminal and his victim, or if he has exercised his brutality on some animal, burn the animal with him. It is also necessary to burn adulterers [μοιξούς], and those men or women who will have led or helped them to commit this crime. As for the adulterous women [μοιχευτρίας], they will have their hair shaved and will be delivered to the inspector of prostitutes [πορνῶν] to be abandoned to prostitution, so that if they could not keep their fidelity to the one to whom they owed it, they serve at least to maintain other women in conjugal fidelity, by offering to the passions of men too inclined to lust a remedy tolerable in the eyes of the law. Likewise burned will be anyone who violates any woman, unless she is a prostitute, even a courtesan [ἑταιροῦσα], if she did not publicly make a profession of her body, and even a prostitute, if she is done violence at the times when nature forbids the approach of this sex [i.e., during menstruation].

All those who are defiled by these crimes, the most infamous of all, will be burned in the enclosures designated to contain their remains, and not in the common cemeteries. For there will be in each place three cemeteries separated by very visible fences: one for the priests, another for the common citizens, a third for these great criminals, and it is also in the latter where will be burned alive the sophist who dares to attack our beliefs. This same punishment is reserved for those guilty of incest with a mother, a sister, or any relative in ascending or descending direct line. If a man is convicted of intercourse with some other relative to a prohibited degree, he will be punished by loss of civil rights [ἀτιμία] until he is sufficiently purified, and in addition, access to sacred things will be forbidden to him. In the cemetery of the impure and infamous will be burned anyone who is judged by the magistrates to be guilty of a murder subject to expiation. If anyone is convicted of intercourse with a virgin girl, or with someone who, without being a virgin or being betrothed to anybody, would still be in guardianship, the culprit will be punished with death, even if this young girl would have given herself voluntarily to him, but burned and buried in the common cemetery, which will also be used as the burial place for one guilty of a murder not subject to expiation. Moreover, rape and adultery will not be punished only when they have been accomplished, but the very attempt will also be punished when it has failed, because for these crimes the attempt is regarded as criminal as the action. As for the man who would feel violently in love with someone who is betrothed or married to another, we want him to go immediately to find the advisor [εξηγητήν] on sacred matters, to reveal to him the illness of his soul and to ask him for a means to purify it or for a restraint [ἀσφάλειαν] against the greater evil that would befall if passion triumphed over his soul.

Иде још дуга листа преступа за коју је сматрао треба спаљивати на ломачи (али, не можемо све да их видимо, пошто књига није у целости сачувана, јер је промовисала идеју да Ромеја батали Православље и врати се Олимпијцима, па је наравно она завршила на ломачама). Чини ми се да би ти пре рекао да нам треба мало више новопаганизма... :ani_biggrin:

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